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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing 2E, F, H and T

FEATHERfeather n. A branching, hair-like structure that grows on the bodies of birds, used for flight, swimming, protection and display.
feather n. Long hair on the lower legs of a dog or horse, especially a draft horse, notably the Clydesdale breed…
feather n. One of the fins or wings on the shaft of an arrow.
FECHTERFECHTER n. (Scots) a fighter.
FETCHEDfetched v. Simple past tense and past participle of fetch.
FETCH v. to go after and bring back.
FETCHERfetcher n. A person or thing that fetches something.
FETCHER n. one who fetches.
FETCHESfetches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fetch.
FETCH v. to go after and bring back.
FETICHEfetiche n. Archaic form of fetish.
FETICHE n. a fixation, also FETISH, FETICH.
FITCHEEfitchee adj. Alternative form of fitchy.
fitchée adj. Alternative form of fitchy.
FITCHEE adj. in heraldry, coming to a point, also FITCHY, FITCHE.
FRESHETfreshet n. A flood resulting from heavy rain or a spring thaw.
freshet n. (Poetic) A small stream, especially one flowing into the sea.
FRESHET n. a stream of fresh water.
HEFTERShefters n. Plural of hefter.
HEFTER n. one who hefts, lifts up.
HEFTIERheftier adj. Comparative form of hefty: more hefty.
HEFTY adj. big of build.
TEREFAHterefah adj. Alternative spelling of treyf.
TEREFAH adj. (Hebrew) not ritually clean, not kosher, also TEREFA, TRAYF, TREF, TREFA, TREFAH, TREIF, TREIFA, TREYF, TREYFA.
THEREOFthereof adv. Of this, that, or it.
thereof adv. From that circumstance or origin; therefrom, thence.
THEREOF adv. of that.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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