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There are 14 seven-letter words containing 2E, F, G and R

FEERINGFeering prop.n. A village and civil parish next to Kelvedon, Braintree district, Essex, England (OS grid ref TL8720).
FEERING n. a first guiding furrow, also FEERIN.
FEIGNERfeigner n. One who feigns.
FEIGNER n. one who feigns or pretends.
FIGTREEfig␣tree n. Any tree that bears figs (Ficus spp.).
FIGTREE n. a tree that bears figs.
FORELEGforeleg n. Either of the two legs towards the front of a four-legged animal such as a horse, or towards the front…
FORELEG n. one of the front legs of an animal.
FREEGANfreegan n. A person who salvages and consumes food that has been thrown away, especially one who wishes to protect…
FREEGAN n. an opponent of consumerism who survives using recycled goods.
FREEINGfreeing v. Present participle of free.
freeing n. The act of making something free; liberation.
FREE v. to set at liberty.
FROGEYEFROGEYE n. a plant disease.
GRIEFERgriefer n. (Online gaming) One who griefs: a player who plays a game primarily to reduce other players’ enjoyment of it.
GRIEFER n. an online games player who intentionally spoils the game for other players.
REEFINGreefing n. The process of reefing (taking in a sail); an act of reefing; also used of clothing.
reefing n. (Australia, New Zealand) A reef (seam of quartz).
reefing v. Present participle of reef.
REFORGEreforge v. To forge again.
REFORGE v. to forge again.
REFUGEDrefuged v. Simple past tense and past participle of refuge.
REFUGE v. to give or take shelter.
REFUGEErefugee n. A person seeking refuge in a foreign country out of fear of political persecution or the prospect of…
refugee n. A person seeking refuge due to a natural disaster, war, etc.
refugee n. A person formally granted political or economic asylum by a country other than their home country.
REFUGESrefuges n. Plural of refuge.
REFUGE v. to give or take shelter.
SERFAGEserfage n. Serfdom.
SERFAGE n. the state of being a serf, also SERFDOM, SERFHOOD, SERFSHIP.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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