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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing 3E, R and U

BEBEERUbebeeru n. Alternative form of bibiru.
BEBEERU n. (Spanish) a tropical tree, aka greenheart.
EPERDUEEPERDUE adj. (French) desperately in love (of a female).
EXERGUEexergue n. (Numismatics) A space beneath the main design on a coin or medal for the insertion of the date or other…
EXERGUE n. (French) a space on a coin, token or medal usually on the reverse below the date.
QUEEREDqueered v. Simple past tense and past participle of queer.
QUEER v. to spoil, to put someone in a difficult position.
QUEERERqueerer n. (Rare) One who queers something.
queerer adj. Comparative form of queer: more queer.
QUEER adj. strange.
REFUGEErefugee n. A person seeking refuge in a foreign country out of fear of political persecution or the prospect of…
refugee n. A person seeking refuge due to a natural disaster, war, etc.
refugee n. A person formally granted political or economic asylum by a country other than their home country.
RENEGUErenegue v. Alternative form of renege.
RENEGUE v. to refuse, deny, also RENAGUE, RENEAGUE, RENEGE, RENIG.
REQUEREREQUERE v. (Spenser) to require.
RESCUEErescuee n. Someone who is rescued.
RESCUEE n. one that is rescued.
REVENUErevenue n. The income returned by an investment.
revenue n. The total income received from a given source.
revenue n. All income generated for some political entity’s treasury by taxation and other means.
REVEUSEREVEUSE n. (French) a (female) daydreamer.
SERUEWESERUEWE v. (Spenser) to surview, also SERVEWE.
UNREEVEunreeve v. (Transitive, nautical) To withdraw or take out, as for example a rope from a block.
UNREEVE v. to withdraw a rope from an opening.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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