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There are 16 six-letter words containing E, R, 2T and U

BUTTERbutter n. A soft, fatty foodstuff made by churning the cream of milk (generally cow’s milk).
butter n. Any of various foodstuffs made from other foods or oils, similar in consistency to, eaten like or intended…
butter n. Any of various substances made from other (especially plant-based) oils or fats, used in moisturizers, cosmetics, etc.
CUTTERcutter n. A person or device that cuts (in various senses).
cutter n. (Nautical) A single-masted, fore-and-aft rigged, sailing vessel with at least two headsails, and a mast…
cutter n. A foretooth; an incisor.
GUTTERgutter n. A prepared channel in a surface, especially at the side of a road adjacent to a curb, intended for the…
gutter n. A ditch along the side of a road.
gutter n. A duct or channel beneath the eaves of a building to carry rain water; eavestrough.
MUTTERmutter n. A repressed or obscure utterance; an instance of muttering.
mutter v. To utter words, especially complaints or angry expressions, indistinctly or with a low voice and lips…
mutter v. To speak softly and incoherently, or with imperfect articulations.
NUTTERnutter n. A person who gathers nuts.
nutter n. (UK, sometimes derogatory, informal) An eccentric, insane, crazy or reckless person.
nutter n. (Obsolete) nut butter.
PUTTERputter v. (Intransitive) To be active, but not excessively busy, at a task or a series of tasks.
putter n. One who puts or places.
putter n. A shot-putter.
RUTTEDrutted v. Simple past tense and past participle of rut.
rutted adj. (Of a road etc) Marked or grooved with ruts.
RUT v. to make grooves in.
RUTTERrutter n. (Historical) A horseman or cavalryman, especially a German one, associated with the wars of the 16th…
rutter n. (Historical) A set of instructions for navigating a course at sea; a pilot’s book or seaman’s guide.
rutter n. (Now chiefly Scotland) A tool used in peat cutting or for marking off ground.
TAUTERtauter adj. Comparative form of taut: more taut.
TAUT adj. stretched tight.
TOUTERtouter n. One who seeks customers, as for an inn, a public conveyance, shops, etc.: hence, an obtrusive candidate for office.
TOUTER n. one who seeks customers, as for an inn, a public conveyance, shops, and the like.
TRUESTtruest adj. Superlative form of true: most true.
TRUE adj. corresponding to fact, also TREW.
TUFTERtufter n. A machine that tufts carpets, etc.
tufter n. A person who uses such a machine.
TUFTER n. a hound that drives deer out of cover.
TURRETturret n. (Architecture) A little tower, frequently a merely ornamental structure at one of the corners of a building or castle.
turret n. (Historical, military) A siege tower; a movable building, of a square form, consisting of ten or even…
turret n. (Electronics) A tower-like solder post on a turret board (a circuit board with posts instead of holes).
TURTLEturtle n. (Zoology, US, Canada) Any land or marine reptile of the order Testudines, characterised by a protective…
turtle n. (Zoology, Australia, Britain, specifically) A marine reptile of that order.
turtle n. (Military, historical) An Ancient Roman attack method, where the shields held by the soldiers hide them…
URTEXTurtext n. A primitive, seminal, or prototypical example of an artistic genre or the basis of an ideological movement.
urtext n. (Music, linguistics, anthropology) The original version of a piece of music or text, as created by the…
ur-text n. Alternative spelling of urtext.
UTTERSutters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of utter.
Utters prop.n. Plural of Utter.
UTTER v. to give audible expression to.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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