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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 19 six-letter words containing E, 2R, S and T

ARRESTarrest n. A check, stop, an act or instance of arresting something.
arrest n. The condition of being stopped, standstill.
arrest n. (Law) The process of arresting a criminal, suspect etc.
ARRETSarrets n. Plural of arret.
arrêts n. Plural of arrêt.
ARRET n. (French) a decision; the judgment of a tribunal.
RARESTrarest adj. Superlative form of rare: most rare.
RARE adj. not common.
RASTERraster n. (Electronics) A scanning pattern of parallel lines that form the display of an image projected on a…
raster n. (Computer graphics) A bitmap image, consisting of a grid of pixels, stored as a sequence of lines.
raster v. To scan in parallel lines.
RATERSraters n. Plural of rater.
RATER n. one that rates.
RESORTresort n. A place where people go for recreation, especially one with facilities such as lodgings, entertainment…
resort n. Recourse, refuge (something or someone turned to for safety).
resort n. (Obsolete) A place where one goes habitually; a haunt.
RESTERrester n. One who rests.
Rester prop.n. A surname.
RESTER n. one who rests.
RETROSretros n. Plural of retro.
RETRO n. a kind of rocket.
ROSTERroster n. A list of individuals or groups, usually for an organization of some kind such as military officers…
roster n. A list of the jobs to be done by members of an organization and often with the date/time that they are…
roster n. A schedule or timetable setting out shift times and dates for each employee of a business.
RUSTRErustre n. (Heraldry) A lozenge with a smaller round hole in the centre, showing the field (rarely used).
RUSTRE n. a lozenge pierced with a circular opening.
SORTERsorter n. A person employed to sort.
sorter n. A machine or algorithm that performs sorting.
SORTER n. one that sorts.
STARERstarer n. One who stares.
STARER n. one who stares.
STIRRESTIRRE n. (Shakespeare) probably a misprint for 'sperre'.
STORERstorer n. One who lays up or forms a store.
storer n. A young tree, especially one reserved when others are cut; a standel.
Storer prop.n. A surname.
TARREStarres v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tarre.
TARRE v. (Shakespeare) to excite, urge on.
TERRASterras n. Plural of terra.
TERRAS n. (Dutch) an earthy volcanic tuff used as a hydraulic cement, also TARRAS, TRASS.
TERSERterser adj. Comparative form of terse: more terse.
TERSE adj. succinct.
TRIERStriers n. Plural of trier.
Triers prop.n. (Geography, obsolete) Alternative form of Trier.
Triers prop.n. Plural of Trier.
TRYERStryers n. Plural of tryer.
TRYER n. one who tries, also TRIER, TRIOR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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