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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 7 six-letter words containing E, N, O, R and V

ENVIROenviro n. (Informal) An ecofreak.
enviro- pref. Environmental or environmentalist.
ENVIRO n. (colloquial) an environmentalist.
GOVERNgovern v. (Transitive) To make and administer the public policy and affairs of; to exercise sovereign authority in.
govern v. (Intransitive) To exercise political authority; to run a government.
govern v. (Transitive) To control the actions or behavior of; to keep under control; to restrain.
PROVENproven adj. Having been proved; having proved its value or truth.
proven v. (Proscribed) past participle of prove.
PROVE v. to establish as certain or true.
RENVOIrenvoi n. (Law) A situation in which a court, tasked with deciding which state’s law should apply to a case, decides…
renvoi n. Cross-reference in text; a sign that refers to something introduced earlier in a text.
RENVOI n. (French) a sending back by a government of an alien to his or her own country, also RENVOY.
RENVOYrenvoy n. (Obsolete) A sending back.
renvoy v. (Obsolete) To send back.
RENVOY n. the sending back by a government of an alien to his or her own country, also RENVOI.
UNROVEunrove v. (Transitive) To separate textiles that have been roved or twisted together.
UNREEVE v. to withdraw a rope from an opening.
VENDORvendor n. A person or a company that vends or sells.
vendor n. A vending machine.
vendor v. (Transitive, software engineering) To bundle third-party dependencies with the source code for one’s own program.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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