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There are 13 six-letter words containing E, M, P, R and U

BUMPERbumper n. Someone or something that bumps.
bumper n. (Obsolete) A drinking vessel filled to the brim.
bumper n. (Colloquial, now chiefly attributive) Anything large or successful.
DUMPERdumper n. A small vehicle often used to carry loads and material around, often on building sites.
dumper n. A dropper of refuse, particularly not in landfill sites/recycling sites.
dumper n. One who dumps a boyfriend or girlfriend; the one of a romantic couple who terminates the relationship.
HUMPERhumper n. Agent noun of hump: one who humps.
HUMPER n. someone who carries heavy loads.
IMPUREimpure adj. Not pure.
impure v. (Transitive, obsolete) to defile; to pollute.
IMPURE adj. tainted, also UNPURE.
JUMPERjumper n. Someone or something that jumps, e.g. a participant in a jumping event in track or skiing.
jumper n. A person who attempts suicide by jumping from a great height.
jumper n. A short length of electrical conductor, to make a temporary connection. Also jump wire.
LUMPERlumper n. An extra laborer hired to assist in the loading or unloading of a truck or a ship.
lumper n. (Biology, linguistics) A scientist in one of various fields who prefers to keep categories such as species…
lumper n. (Dialect) A militiaman.
MUMPERmumper n. (Britain, obsolete, slang) A beggar.
Mumper prop.n. A surname.
MUMPER n. a beggar; a begging impostor.
PUMPERpumper n. One who pumps something.
pumper n. (Bodybuilding, slang) A steroid or other drug taken to improve blood flow and increase muscular size.
PUMPER n. one who pumps.
REPLUMreplum n. (Botany) The framework of some pods, such as the cress, which remains after the valves drop off.
REPLUM n. (Latin) a partition in fruit.
REPUMPrepump v. (Transitive) To pump again.
repump v. (Transitive, physics) To use a laser to raise an electron (in an atom or ion etc) back to a previous high state.
REPUMP v. to pump again.
RUMPEDrumped adj. (In combination) having the specified form of rump.
RUMP v. to turn one's back on.
RUMPLErumple v. (Transitive) To make wrinkled, particularly fabric.
rumple v. (Transitive) To muss; to tousle.
rumple n. A wrinkle.
UMPIREumpire n. (Tennis, badminton) The official who presides over a tennis match sat on a high chair.
umpire n. (Cricket) One of the two white-coated officials who preside over a cricket match.
umpire n. (Baseball) One of the officials who preside over a baseball game.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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