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There are 20 six-letter words containing E, M, O, R and T

AMORETamoret n. (Obsolete) An amorous girl or woman; a wanton.
amoret n. (Obsolete) A petty love affair.
amoret n. (Obsolete) A love knot, love token, or love song.
EMOTERemoter n. One who emotes.
EMOTER n. one who emotes, shows agitated emotion.
GROMETgromet n. Alternative form of grommet.
GROMET n. a reinforcing ring of metal, also GROMMET, GRUMMET.
MENTORmentor n. A wise and trusted counselor or teacher.
mentor v. (Transitive) To act as someone’s mentor.
Mentor prop.n. (Greek mythology) Odysseus’s trusted counselor. He was assigned the responsibility of raising Odysseus’s…
MERLOTmerlot n. Alternative letter-case form of Merlot.
Merlot n. A dark-blue variety of wine grape.
Merlot n. A dry red wine of a certain French type, made from Merlot grapes.
METEORmeteor n. (Now meteorology) An atmospheric or meteorological phenomenon. These were sometimes classified as aerial…
meteor n. A fast-moving streak of light in the night sky caused by the entry of extraterrestrial matter into the…
meteor n. (Juggling) A prop similar to poi balls, in that it is twirled at the end of a cord or cable.
METROSmetros n. Plural of metro.
métros n. Plural of métro.
METRO n. an urban railway system running wholly or partly underground.
MOLTERmolter n. One who, or that which, molts or sheds.
Molter prop.n. A surname.
MOLTER n. one that molts, also MOULTER.
MONTREmontre n. An organ stop, usually the open diapason, having its pipes on display as part of the organ case, or…
montre n. A hole in the wall of a pottery kiln, by which the state of the pieces inside can be judged.
MONTRE n. (French) the visible pipes of an organ.
MOOTERmooter n. A disputer of a mooted case.
mooter n. Alternative form of mootah.
MOOTER n. a disputer of a mooted case.
MOTHERmother n. A (human) female who has given birth to a baby; this person in relation to their child or children.
mother n. A human female who parents an adopted or fostered child.
mother n. A human female who donates a fertilized egg or donates a body cell which has resulted in a clone.
MOTIERMOTEY adj. full of motes.
MOTSERmotser n. (Australia, slang) Alternative form of motza (“a lot of money”).
MOTSER n. (Australian slang) a large amount of money, esp. a gambling win, also MOTZA.
MOUTERMOUTER n. (Scots) a miller's fee for grinding corn.
MOUTER v. to take mouter for, also MULTURE.
OMERTAomerta n. Alternative spelling of omertà.
omertà n. (Crime) A code of silence amongst members of a criminal organization (especially the Mafia) that forbids…
OMERTA n. (Italian) the Mafia code of honour requiring silence about criminal activities.
REMOTEremote adj. At a distance; disconnected.
remote adj. Distant or otherwise inaccessible.
remote adj. (Especially with respect to likelihood) Slight.
TERMORtermor n. (Law) Alternative form of termer.
TERMOR n. a person who holds an estate for a term of years or for life, also TERMER.
TOOMERToomer prop.n. A surname.
TOOM adj. (Scots) empty.
TREMORtremor n. A shake, quiver, or vibration.
tremor n. An earthquake.
tremor v. To shake or quiver excessively and rapidly or involuntarily; to tremble.
TROMPEtrompe n. (Obsolete) A trumpet; a trump.
trompe n. Alternative form of tromp (“blowing apparatus in a forge”).
TROMPE n. (French) an apparatus for producing a blast of air in a furnace by means of falling water.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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