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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 12 six-letter words containing E, L, 2T and U

BUTTLEbuttle v. To serve as or perform the duties of a butler.
Buttle prop.n. A surname.
BUTTLE v. to act as a butler.
CUTLETcutlet n. A thin slice of meat, usually fried.
cutlet n. A chop, a specific piece of meat (especially pork, chicken, or beef) cut from the side of an animal.
cutlet n. A piece of fish that has been cut perpendicular to the spine, rather than parallel (as with a fillet);…
CUTTLEcuttle n. Synonym of cuttlefish.
cuttle n. (Obsolete) A knife.
cuttle n. (Obsolete) A foul-mouthed fellow.
GUTTLEguttle v. (Transitive) Often followed by down or up: to swallow (something) greedily; to gobble, to guzzle.
guttle v. (Intransitive) To eat voraciously; to gorge.
guttle n. (Britain, dialectal).
LETOUTlet-out n. The act or an instance of releasing or letting out something.
let-out n. (Idiomatic, chiefly Britain) An opportunity to avoid or escape from a difficult or unpleasant situation.
let␣out v. (Transitive) To release.
LUTITElutite n. (Geology, dated) A rock composed of clayey or silty sediment.
LUTITE n. any rock derived from clay or mud, aka pelite.
LUTTENLET v. to allow.
NUTLETnutlet n. A small nut.
NUTLET n. a small nut.
OUTLEToutlet n. A vent or similar passage to allow the escape of something.
outlet n. Something which allows for the release of one’s desires.
outlet n. A river that runs out of a lake.
SUTTLEsuttle n. The weight of a commodity shipment after deduction of the weight of the container, before allowance of tret.
suttle v. To act as sutler; to supply provisions and other articles to troops.
suttle adj. Obsolete form of subtle.
TITULEtitule n. (Obsolete) A title.
TITULE v. to give a title to.
TURTLEturtle n. (Zoology, US, Canada) Any land or marine reptile of the order Testudines, characterised by a protective…
turtle n. (Zoology, Australia, Britain, specifically) A marine reptile of that order.
turtle n. (Military, historical) An Ancient Roman attack method, where the shields held by the soldiers hide them…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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