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There are 18 six-letter words containing E, L, P, S and T

LETUPSletups n. Plural of letup.
let-ups n. Plural of let-up.
LETUP n. an easing off.
PALESTpalest adj. Superlative form of pale: most pale.
palest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple present form of pale.
PALE adj. lacking colour.
PALETSpalets n. Plural of palet.
PALET n. the membranous inner bract of a grass flower, also PALEA.
PASTELpastel n. (Color) Any of several subdued tints of colors, usually associated with pink, peach, yellow, green…
pastel n. (Art) A drawing made with any of those colors.
pastel n. A type of dried paste used to make crayons.
PELTASpeltas n. Plural of pelta.
PELTA n. (Latin) an ancient small shield.
PESTLEpestle n. A club-shaped, round-headed stick used in a mortar to pound, crush, rub or grind things.
pestle n. (Archaic) A constable’s or bailiff’s staff; so called from its shape.
pestle n. The leg and leg bone of an animal, especially of a pig.
PETALSpetals n. Plural of petal.
petals v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of petal.
PETAL n. a leaflike part of a corolla.
PLASTEPLACE v. to assign to a position.
PLATESplates n. Plural of plate.
plates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of plate.
PLATE v. to cover with a thin layer of metal.
PLEATSpleats n. Plural of pleat.
pleats v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pleat.
Pleats prop.n. Plural of Pleat.
SEPTALseptal adj. (Anatomy, biology, relational) Of or pertaining to a septum.
septal adj. (Archaeology, of a stone or slab) Separating compartments in a burial chamber.
septal adj. (Relational) Relating to an Irish clan or sept.
SPELTSspelts n. Plural of spelt.
SPELT n. a hardy wheat, aka emmer, also SPELTZ.
SPELTZSpeltz prop.n. A surname from German.
SPELTZ n. a hardy wheat, aka emmer, also SPELT.
SPLENTsplent n. Obsolete form of splint (“excrescence of bone”).
SPLENT n. a contrivance for holding a broken bone, etc. in position, also SPLINT.
STAPLEstaple n. (Now historical) A town containing merchants who have exclusive right, under royal authority, to purchase…
staple n. (By extension) Place of supply; source.
staple n. The principal commodity produced in a town or region.
STIPELstipel n. (Botany) A stipule associated with a leaflet rather than a complete leaf.
STIPEL n. the stipule of a leaflet, also STIPULE.
TEPALStepals n. Plural of tepal.
TEPAL n. a segment of a perianth in which the corolla and calyx are not differentiated.
TUPLEStuples n. Plural of tuple.
TUPLE n. in computing, a row of values in a relational database.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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