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There are 19 six-letter words containing E, L, P, R and U

CURPELCURPEL n. (Scots) the crupper, the rump of a horse.
DRUPELdrupel n. Synonym of drupelet.
DRUPEL n. a small part of a fruit like a raspberry, also DRUPELET.
GULPERgulper n. One who gulps.
gulper n. A gulper eel.
GULPER n. one who gulps.
LUMPERlumper n. An extra laborer hired to assist in the loading or unloading of a truck or a ship.
lumper n. (Biology, linguistics) A scientist in one of various fields who prefers to keep categories such as species…
lumper n. (Dialect) A militiaman.
PLEURApleura n. (Anatomy) Each of a pair of smooth serous membranes which line the thorax and envelop the lungs in humans…
pleura n. (Zootomy) A lateral part in an animal body or structure.
pleura n. Plural of pleuron.
PULERSpulers n. Plural of puler.
PULER n. one who pules.
PULIERPULY adj. given to puling, whiny.
PULLERpuller n. Anything that pulls, but especially a hoist in which a cable is attached to a lever and a ratchet mechanism.
puller n. A tool for pulling, such as a bearing puller.
PULLER n. one that pulls.
PULPERpulper n. A machine for pulping paper or various other substances.
PULPER n. a machine for pulping.
PULSERpulser n. One who or that which pulses.
pulser n. A machine for generating a pulse.
PULSER n. a device that causes pulsations.
PULVERpulver v. (Archaic, transitive) To pulverise; to make into powder.
PULVER v. to reduce to powder.
PURELYpurely adv. (Now US regional) Wholly; really, completely.
purely adv. Solely; exclusively; merely, simply.
purely adv. Chastely, innocently; in a sinless manner, without fault.
PURFLEpurfle n. An ornamental border on clothing, furniture or a violin; beading, stringing.
purfle n. (Heraldry) An ornament consisting of a bordure of ermines, furs, etc. or gold studs or mountings.
purfle v. (Transitive, archaic) To decorate (Wood, cloth etc.) with a purfle or ornamental border; to border.
PURLEDpurled v. Simple past tense and past participle of purl.
PURL v. to knit with a type of stitch.
PURLERpurler n. (UK, colloquial) A headlong fall or tumble.
purler n. (UK, colloquial) A knockdown blow; a blow that causes a person to fall headlong.
purler n. (Australia, colloquial) Something extremely good.
PURPLEpurple n. A color that is a dark blend of red and blue; dark magenta.
purple n. (Colour theory) Any non-spectral colour on the line of purples on a colour chromaticity diagram or a…
purple n. Cloth, or a garment, dyed a purple colour; especially, a purple robe, worn as an emblem of rank or authority;…
REPLUMreplum n. (Botany) The framework of some pods, such as the cress, which remains after the valves drop off.
REPLUM n. (Latin) a partition in fruit.
REPULPrepulp v. (Transitive) To convert paper back into pulp, as during recycling.
REPULP v. to pulp again.
RUMPLErumple v. (Transitive) To make wrinkled, particularly fabric.
rumple v. (Transitive) To muss; to tousle.
rumple n. A wrinkle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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