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There are 10 six-letter words containing E, L, O, U and V

EVOLUEévolué n. A native African (especially in a European colony) who has been educated on European principles or who…
EVOLUE n. (French) a primitive person improved by education.
LOUVERlouver n. A type of turret on the roof of certain medieval buildings designed to allow ventilation or the admission of light.
louver n. (Chiefly in the plural) A series of sloping overlapping slats or boards which admit air and light but…
louver n. Any of a system of slits, as in the hood of an automobile, for ventilation.
LOUVRElouvre n. (Chiefly Britain) Alternative form of louver.
Louvre prop.n. A famous art museum and former royal palace in Paris, France.
LOUVRE n. a sloping slat placed across an opening, also LOUVER.
OVULESovules n. Plural of ovule.
OVULE n. the structure inside an ovary which contains a female egg cell.
UNLOVEunlove n. The lack, absence, or omission of love; lovelessness; enmity; neglect; hate.
unlove v. (Transitive) To lose one’s love (for someone or something).
UNLOVE v. to cease to love.
VELOURvelour n. A knit fabric similar to velvet, but usually somewhat coarser.
VELOUR n. (French) a fabric resembling velvet, also VELVERET.
VOCULEvocule n. (Phonetics) A short or weak utterance; a faint or feeble sound, as when separating the lips in pronouncing p or b.
VOCULE n. a slight vowel sound completing the articulation of certain consonants.
VOLUMEvolume n. A three-dimensional measure of space that comprises a length, a width and a height. It is measured in…
volume n. Strength of sound; loudness.
volume n. The issues of a periodical over a period of one year.
VOLUTEvolute n. (Architecture) The characteristic spiral curve on an Ionic capital, widely copied in other styles and…
volute n. (Zoology) The spirals or whorls on a gastropod’s shell.
volute n. (Zoology) Any marine gastropod of the family Volutidae.
VOULGEvoulge n. (Historical) A medieval poleaxe bearing resemblance to a glaive or a Lochaber ax, although the blade…
VOULGE n. a weapon carried by foot-soldiers in the 14th century, consisting of a blade on a staff, also VOUGE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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