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There are 18 six-letter words containing E, L, N, R and U

LUCERNlucern n. (Obsolete) A lamp.
lucern n. Alternative form of lucerne (the plant alfalfa).
lucern n. (Obsolete) A sort of hunting dog.
LUNGERlunger n. A person who lunges.
lunger n. (Slang) A person afflicted with a disease of the lungs, especially one suffering from tuberculosis.
lunger n. (Slang, in combination) A vehicle whose engine has the specified number of cylinders.
LUNIERlunier adj. Comparative form of luny: more luny.
LUNY adj. crazy.
LUNKERlunker n. (US) Anything, especially a sport fish, that is especially large for its type; a whopper.
LUNKER n. a large game fish.
LURDENlurden n. Alternative spelling of lurdane.
LURDEN n. (archaic) a dull or sluggish person, also LURDAN, LURDANE.
LUZERNluzern n. Alternative spelling of lusern.
LUZERN n. a fodder plant, aka alfalfa, also LUCERN, LUCERNE.
NEURALneural adj. (Biology) Of, or relating to the nerves, neurons or the nervous system.
neural adj. (Computing) Modelled on the arrangement of neurons in the brain.
NEURAL adj. pertaining to the nervous system, also NERVAL.
NURDLEnurdle v. (Cricket) To score runs by gently nudging the ball into vacant areas of the field.
nurdle v. (Conversation) To gently waffle or muse on a subject which one clearly knows little about.
nurdle n. (Cricket) Such a shot.
NURLEDnurled v. Simple past tense and past participle of nurl.
NURL v. to make nurls on, also KNURL.
NURSLEnursle v. (Now rare, archaic) To nurture, train, raise (a person).
RUNDLErundle n. (Obsolete) A round; a step of a ladder; a rung.
rundle n. (Obsolete) A circle.
rundle n. (Obsolete) A round object, a disk or ball.
RUNKLErunkle v. (Intransitive) To wrinkle or crease.
Runkle prop.n. A surname.
RUNKLE v. to wrinkle, crease, also RUCK, RUCKLE.
RUNLETrunlet n. A small stream or brook.
runlet n. (Archaic) A wine measure, equivalent to 18 gallons.
RUNLET n. a little brook, also RUNNEL.
RUNNELrunnel n. A small stream, a rivulet.
runnel v. To create channels for directing the flow of liquid.
RUNNEL n. a little brook, also RUNLET.
ULNAREulnare n. (Anatomy) One of the carpal bones, situated at the distal end of the ulna.
ULNARE n. (Latin) one of the bones or cartilages of the carpus, which articulates with the ulna and corresponds to the cuneiform in man.
UNREALunreal adj. Not real or substantial; having no actual presence in reality; lacking the characteristics of reality.
unreal adj. (Informal) very impressive; amazing; unbelievable; incredible; larger or more fantastic than typical of real life.
UNREAL adj. not real.
UNREELunreel v. (Transitive) To remove or uncoil from a reel.
UNREEL v. to unwind from a reel.
UNRULEunrule n. (Uncountable) Absence of rule; anarchy.
unrule n. (Countable) An impetus for creativity or chaos; a stimulating factor for acting outside of rules.
UNRULE n. absence of government, anarchy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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