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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 16 six-letter words containing E, L, N, O and T

DOLENTdolent adj. (Archaic) Sad, sorrowful.
DOLENT adj. (obsolete) causing sorrow or grief.
ENTOILentoil v. To capture with toils or nets; to ensnare.
ENTOIL v. to entangle or ensnare.
ETALONetalon n. An optical device containing parallel mirrors, used as a narrow band filter, often in laser design.
ETALON n. (French) a device used to measure wavelengths.
LENTORlentor n. (Obsolete, chiefly medicine) Viscosity, thickness (chiefly of blood).
lentor n. Slowness, sluggishness.
LENTOR n. (archaic) sluggishness, viscidity.
LENTOSlentos n. Plural of lento.
Lentos prop.n. Plural of Lento.
LENTO n. (Italian) a slow musical movement.
LEPTONlepton n. A coin used since ancient times in Greece, serving in modern times as one hundredth of a phoenix, a…
lepton n. A small, bronze Judean coin from the 1st century BCE, considered by some to be the widow’s mite.
lepton n. (Particle physics) An elementary particle that has a spin of 1/2 (i.e., is a fermion) and does not interact…
LIONETlionet n. A lion cub.
LIONET n. a young lion.
LOMENTloment n. (Botany) A type of modified legume that breaks apart at constrictions occurring between the segments of the seeds.
LOMENT n. a pod that breaks in pieces at constrictions between the seeds, also LOMENTUM.
LOOTENLET v. to allow.
MELTONmelton n. A tough, short-napped material used for making overcoats.
Melton prop.n. The Borough of Melton, a local government district in Leicestershire, England, formed in 1974, with…
Melton prop.n. A village in East Suffolk district, Suffolk, England (OS grid ref TM2850).
MOLTENmolten adj. Melted.
molten adj. Made from a melted substance. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
molten adj. Glowing red-hot.
STOLENstolen v. Past participle of steal.
stolen adj. That has been stolen.
stolen n. (US, MTE, MLE) Something which has been stolen.
TEFLONteflon n. Polytetrafluoroethylene, PTFE.
teflon adj. (Figuratively) Non-stick, slick.
teflon adj. (Figuratively, of a person) Able to easily shrug off or deflect criticism or blame.
TELSONtelson n. The part of an arthropod or crustacean posterior to the last segment.
TELSON n. (Greek) the terminal segment of an arthropod.
TOLANEtolane n. (Organic chemistry) A hydrocarbon, C14H10, related to the acetylene and the aromatic series.
TOLANE n. a white crystalline derivative of acetylene, also TOLAN.
TONLETtonlet n. (Historical) A long armoured skirt, designed for combat on foot.
tonlet n. (Historical) One of the plates which make up such a skirt.
TONLET n. a set of overlapping strips on armour skirt.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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