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There are 18 six-letter words containing E, L, N, O and R

CLONERcloner n. Someone who clones something.
cloner n. (Computing) A software program that duplicates media.
cloner n. (Science fiction) A device capable of duplicating physical objects.
CORNELcornel n. Any tree or shrub of the dogwood subgenera, Cornus subg. Arctocrania (syn. Cornus subg. Chamaepericlymenum)…
cornel n. The cherry-like fruit of such plants, certain of which are edible.
CORNEL n. a hardwood tree or shrub, also CORNUS.
ENROLLenroll v. (Transitive) To enter (A name, etc.) in a register, roll or list.
enroll v. (Transitive) To enlist (someone) or make (someone) a member of.
enroll v. (Intransitive) To enlist oneself (in something) or become a member (of something).
ENROLSenrols v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of enrol.
ENROL v. to insert on a register, also ENROLL.
LENTORlentor n. (Obsolete, chiefly medicine) Viscosity, thickness (chiefly of blood).
lentor n. Slowness, sluggishness.
LENTOR n. (archaic) sluggishness, viscidity.
LIENORlienor n. (Law) A lienholder.
lienor n. (Law, Australia) A lienee.
LIENOR n. a party who holds a lien on a property.
LOANERloaner n. One who loans; a lender.
loaner n. (Informal) Something that is given as a loan.
LOANER n. one who loans.
LONERSloners n. Plural of loner.
LONER n. one who avoids others.
LONGERlonger adj. Comparative form of long: more long.
longer adv. Comparative form of long: more long.
longer n. One who longs or yearns for something.
LORNERLORN adj. (archaic) lost, abandoned.
MERLONmerlon n. (Architecture, military, historical) Any of the upright projections between the embrasures of a battlement…
merlon n. Alternative spelling of merlin (“a small falcon, Falco columbarius”).
MERLON n. (French) the part of a parapet between embrasures.
NEROLIneroli n. More fully neroli oil or oil of neroli: an essential oil distilled from the blossoms of the bitter orange…
NEROLI n. (French) an oil distilled from orange flowers.
NEROLSnerols n. Plural of nerol.
NEROL n. a fragrant alcohol.
NOBLERnobler adj. Comparative form of noble: more noble.
NOBLE adj. possessing qualities of excellence.
NORSELnorsel n. A short piece of line used to attach fishing hooks, lines and nets.
norsel v. To use or affix by norsel.
NORSEL n. a short piece of line for fastening fishhooks.
RELOANreloan n. A second lending of the same thing; a renewal of a loan.
reloan v. To loan again.
RELOAN v. to loan again.
RONDELrondel n. A metric form of verse using two rhymes, usually fourteen 8- to 10-syllable lines in three stanzas…
rondel n. The verse form rondeau.
rondel n. A rondelle, (small) circular object.
RONNELRONNEL n. an insecticide.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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