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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing E, L, M, P and R

AMPLERampler adj. Comparative form of ample: more ample.
AMPLE adj. plentiful.
EMPARLEMPARL v. (Spenser) to hold discourse, to parley, also IMPARL.
LAMPERlamper n. One who takes part in lamping, or hunting with bright lights.
lamper n. (Dialect) A lamprey.
LAMPER n. a primitive fishlike vertebrate, also LAMPERN, LAMPREY.
LIMPERlimper adj. Comparative form of limp: more limp.
limper n. One who limps.
limper n. (Poker slang) One who limps (one who calls the big blind in the preflop betting round).
LUMPERlumper n. An extra laborer hired to assist in the loading or unloading of a truck or a ship.
lumper n. (Biology, linguistics) A scientist in one of various fields who prefers to keep categories such as species…
lumper n. (Dialect) A militiaman.
PALMERpalmer n. (Now historical) A pilgrim who had been to the Holy Land and who brought back a palm branch in signification;…
palmer n. (Archaic) Abbreviation of palmerworm.
palmer n. A ferule used to punish schoolboys by striking their palms.
PRELIMprelim adj. Preliminary.
prelim n. (Informal) Something preliminary, such as a trial, report, race, etc.
prelim n. (Oxford University slang) Clipping of preliminary examination; a type of exam sat at the end of the…
REPLUMreplum n. (Botany) The framework of some pods, such as the cress, which remains after the valves drop off.
REPLUM n. (Latin) a partition in fruit.
RIMPLErimple n. A wrinkle.
rimple v. (Now chiefly US) To wrinkle or crease.
RIMPLE v. to wrinkle.
RUMPLErumple v. (Transitive) To make wrinkled, particularly fabric.
rumple v. (Transitive) To muss; to tousle.
rumple n. A wrinkle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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