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There are 17 six-letter words containing E, I, R, T and V

DIVERTdivert v. (Transitive) To turn aside from a course.
divert v. (Transitive) To distract.
divert v. (Transitive) To entertain or amuse (by diverting the attention).
GRIVETgrivet n. An Old World monkey, Chlorocebus aethiops, with long white tufts of hair along the sides of the face.
GRIVET n. (French) a long-tailed African monkey.
INVERTinvert v. (Transitive) To turn (something) upside down or inside out; to place in a contrary order or direction.
invert v. (Transitive, music) To move (the root note of a chord) up or down an octave, resulting in a change in pitch.
invert v. (Chemistry, intransitive) To undergo inversion, as sugar.
PRIVETprivet n. Any of various shrubs and small trees in the genus Ligustrum.
privet interj. (Informal) hello, hi.
PRIVET n. a half-evergreen European shrub of the olive family.
RIVETSrivets n. Plural of rivet.
rivets v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rivet.
Rivets prop.n. Plural of Rivet.
STIVERstiver n. (Historical, money) A small Dutch coin worth one twentieth of a guilder.
stiver n. Anything of small value.
Stiver prop.n. A surname.
STRIVEstrive v. To try to achieve a result; to make strenuous effort; to try earnestly and persistently.
strive v. To struggle in opposition; to be in contention or dispute; to contend; to contest.
strive v. To vie; to compete as a rival.
TAIVERTAIVER v. (Scots) to wander, to rave, also TAVER.
THRIVEthrive v. To grow or increase stature; to grow vigorously or luxuriantly, to flourish.
thrive v. To increase in wealth or success; to prosper, be profitable.
THRIVE v. to grow vigorously.
TRIVETtrivet n. A stand with three short legs, especially for cooking over a fire.
trivet n. A stand, sometimes with short, stumpy feet, used to support hot dishes and protect a table; a coaster.
trivet n. A weaver’s knife used to cut out the wire that was used to form a pile.
VERDITverdit n. Obsolete form of verdict.
VERDIT n. (Spenser) a verdict.
VERISTverist n. One who subscribes to verism.
VERIST n. an adherent of verism, an artistic preference for the everyday over the legendary.
VERITEvérité n. Short for cinéma vérité.
VERITE n. (French) reality, truth, as in cinema verite.
VERITYverity n. Truth, fact or reality, especially an enduring religious or ethical truth; veracity.
verity n. A true statement; an established doctrine.
Verity prop.n. A female given name from English derived from the Latin for truth; one of the Puritan virtue names.
VIRENTvirent adj. (Obsolete) green; not withered.
VIRENT adj. (archaic) green; not withered.
VIRTUEvirtue n. (Uncountable) Accordance with moral principles; conformity of behaviour or thought with the strictures…
virtue n. A particular manifestation of moral excellence in a person; an admirable quality.
virtue n. Specifically, each of several qualities held to be particularly important, including the four cardinal…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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