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There are 19 six-letter words containing E, I, O, P and T

OPHITEophite n. (Geology) Any of various rocks having snake-like markings, such as a mottled greenish porphyry.
ophite adj. (Rare) Serpent-like; ophidian.
Ophite n. (Historical) A member of a Gnostic snake-worshipping sect of the second century.
OPIATEopiate adj. Relating to, resembling, or containing opium.
opiate adj. (Pharmacology) Soporific; inducing sleep or sedation.
opiate adj. Deadening; causing apathy or dullness.
OPTIMEoptime n. (Cambridge University) A student who graduates with second class ("senior optime") or third class ("junior…
OPTIME n. (Latin) an honour student in mathematics at Cambridge University.
PICOTEpicote n. Alternative form of picot.
PICOTE adj. (French) embroidered with knotted loops.
PIOLETpiolet n. (Climbing) An ice axe/ice ax.
PIOLET n. (French) a mountain-climbing ice axe.
PIOTEDPIOTED adj. (Scots) pied.
PODITEpodite n. (Zoology) A limb of a crustacean when ambulatory.
PODITE n. a walking leg of a crustacean.
POETICpoetic adj. Relating to poetry.
poetic adj. Characteristic of poets; romantic, imaginative, etc.
poetic adj. Connecting to the soul of the beholder. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
POINTEpointe n. (Ballet) The tip of the toe; a ballet position executed with the tip of the toe.
POINTE n. (French) the extreme tip of the toe; the position of standing on it in ballet.
POLITEpolite adj. Well-mannered, civilized.
polite adj. (Obsolete) Smooth, polished, burnished.
polite v. (Obsolete, transitive) To polish; to refine; to render polite.
PONTIEPONTIE n. an iron rod used in holding and manipulating glassware during manufacture, also PONTIL, PONTILE, PONTY, PUNTEE, PUNTY.
POSTIEpostie n. (UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, colloquial) Diminutive of postman, postwoman.
postie n. (Canada, rare, colloquial) Diminutive of postal worker.
POSTIE n. (Australian slang) a postman.
POTJIEpotjie n. A lidded round-bottomed pot used for cooking in South Africa.
POTJIE n. (South African) a three-legged iron pot used for cooking over a wood fire.
POTPIEpotpie n. (US) A pie, having pastry sides and bottom, and filled with meat etc.
potpie n. (US) A dish of meat and vegetable stew with dumplings.
pot-pie n. Alternative spelling of potpie.
POTSIEpotsie n. Any of the marbles located within a shallow hole (or "pot") used in certain variants of the game.
POTSIE n. a children's game, also POTSY.
PROTEIprotei n. Plural of proteus.
PROTEUS n. (Greek) any of the rodlike bacteria found in decaying matter.
SOPITEsopite v. (Obsolete, transitive) To put to sleep; to quiet.
SOPITE v. to put to sleep.
TIPTOEtiptoe n. (Usually in the plural) The tip of the toe.
tiptoe adj. Standing elevated, on or as if on the tips of one’s toes.
tiptoe adj. Moving carefully, quietly, warily or stealthily, on or as if on the tips of one’s toes.
TOUPIETOUPIE n. a round boneless smoked ham.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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