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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 18 six-letter words containing E, I, N and 2T

BITTENbitten v. Past participle of bite.
BITE v. to seize with the teeth.
ENTITYentity n. That which has a distinct existence as an individual unit. Often used for organisations which have no physical form.
entity n. The existence of something considered apart from its properties.
entity n. (Databases) Anything about which information or data can be stored in a database; in particular, an…
ETTINSettins n. Plural of ettin.
ETTIN n. (archaic) a giant, also ETEN.
INTENTintent n. Something that is intended.
intent n. (Law) The state of someone’s mind at the time of committing an offence.
intent adj. Firmly fixed or concentrated on something.
KITTENkitten n. A young cat, especially before sexual maturity (reached at about seven months).
kitten n. A young rabbit, rat, hedgehog, squirrel, fox, beaver, badger, etc.
kitten n. A moth of the genus Furcula.
LITTENlitten v. (Archaic) past participle of light.
Litten prop.n. A surname.
LET v. to allow.
MITTENmitten n. A type of glove or garment that covers a hand with a separate sheath for the thumb, but not for other…
mitten n. A cat’s or dog’s paw that is a different colour from the main body.
mitten n. (Colloquial, dated, as "the mitten") A romantic rejection; dismissal of a lover.
NETTIEnettie n. (Geordie and Wearside) Alternative form of netty: an outhouse; a lavatory; a toilet.
nettie n. (Internet, informal) An internet user, particularly a Usenet user.
Nettie prop.n. A diminutive of the female given names Annette and Jeannette.
PITTENPIT v. to mark with depressions.
RETINTretint v. (Transitive) To tint again.
retint v. (Transitive, specifically) To adjust the color of a paint.
RETINT v. to tint again.
SITTENsitten v. (Archaic, UK dialectal) past participle of sit; alternative form of sat.
sitten adj. (UK dialectal, Northern England, Scotland) Seated.
sitten adj. Settled; stationary; not easily stirred or moved.
TENTIETENTIE adj. watchful, also TENTY.
TENUTItenuti n. Plural of tenuto.
TENUTO n. (Italian) a sustained note or chord.
TINTEDtinted adj. Slightly colored, having tint.
tinted v. Simple past tense and past participle of tint.
TINT v. to colour slightly.
TINTERtinter n. One who tints.
tinter n. A special slide used with a magic lantern to produce effects such as moonlight.
TINTER n. a person or thing that tints.
TITMENtitmen n. Plural of titman.
TITMAN n. the smallest of a litter of pigs.
TONITEtonite n. (US, informal, entertainment industry) Alternative spelling of tonight.
tonite n. An explosive compound; a preparation of guncotton.
to-nite adv. Archaic spelling of tonight.
YITTENYITTEN adj. (dialect) frightened.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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