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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 12 six-letter words containing E, I, N, P and U

GUINEPguinep n. Alternative form of genip.
guinep n. Alternative form of quenepa.
GUINEP n. (Tupi) a tropical American tree; its orange-like fruit, also GENIP, GENIPAP, GENIPAPO.
LINEUPlineup n. (US, law and law enforcement) a physical or photographic queue of people allegedly involved in a crime…
lineup n. (Canada) A line of people or vehicles, in which the individual at the front end is dealt with first…
lineup n. (Sports) Collectively, the members of a team.
LUPINElupine adj. Of, or pertaining to, the wolf.
lupine adj. Wolflike; wolfish.
lupine adj. Having the characteristics of a wolf.
PRUINEPRUINE n. (Shakespeare) a prune, also PREWYN.
PUISNEpuisne adj. (Obsolete) Younger; junior.
puisne adj. (Obsolete) Insignificant, petty; ineffectual.
puisne adj. (Law) Inferior in rank, as designation of any justice, judge etc. other than the most senior.
PUNIERpunier adj. Comparative form of puny: more puny.
PUNY adj. of inferior size, strength or significance.
PUNKIEpunkie n. (Chiefly New England) A small two-winged fly or midge of the family Ceratopogonidae, which bites and…
punkie n. (South West England, chiefly Somerset) In full punkie lantern: a lantern similar to a jack-o’-lantern…
punkie n. (US) Synonym of pumpkinseed (“a North American sunfish, Lepomis gibbosus”).
PURINEpurine n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of organic heterocyclic compounds, composed of fused pyrimidine and…
PURINE n. a white crystalline substance which with oxygen forms uric acid, also PURIN.
SUPINEsupine adj. Lying on its back.
supine adj. (Of the hand, forearm or foot) turned facing toward the body; with the thumb outward or the big toe upward.
supine adj. (Figuratively) Reluctant to take action due to indifference or moral weakness; apathetic or passive towards something.
UNIPEDuniped n. A person or creature with only one foot or leg.
UNIPED n. a one-footed person or animal.
UNPILEunpile v. (Transitive) To remove from a pile or stack.
UNPILE v. to disentangle from a pile.
UNRIPEunripe adj. Not ripe.
unripe adj. Developing too early; premature.
UNRIPE adj. not mature enough.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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