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There are 19 six-letter words containing E, I, L, N and P

ALPINEalpine adj. Of, relating to, or inhabiting mountains, especially above the timberline.
alpine adj. (Skiing) Of or relating to slalom and downhill skiing.
alpine n. (Botany) An w:alpine plant, any of several plants, native to mountain habitats, often grown in a rock garden.
LEPTINleptin n. (Biochemistry) A protein hormone produced in adipose tissue; it plays a role in regulating appetite and metabolism.
LEPTIN n. a hormone released by fat cells.
LINEUPlineup n. (US, law and law enforcement) a physical or photographic queue of people allegedly involved in a crime…
lineup n. (Canada) A line of people or vehicles, in which the individual at the front end is dealt with first…
lineup n. (Sports) Collectively, the members of a team.
LIPPENlippen v. (Transitive, UK dialectal, Northern England, Scotland) To entrust; trust to (someone/something).
lippen v. (Intransitive, UK dialectal, Northern England, Scotland) To trust; to expect; to depend or rely (on).
LIPPEN v. (Scots) to trust, depend on.
LOIPENLOIPE n. (Danish) a track for cross-country skiing.
LUPINElupine adj. Of, or pertaining to, the wolf.
lupine adj. Wolflike; wolfish.
lupine adj. Having the characteristics of a wolf.
NIPPLEnipple n. (Anatomy) The projection of a mammary gland from which, on female mammals, milk is secreted.
nipple n. A mechanical device through which liquids or gases can be passed in a regulated manner.
nipple n. An artificial nipple (definition 1) used for bottle-feeding infants.
PENCILpencil n. (Now chiefly historical) A paintbrush.
pencil n. A writing utensil with a graphite (commonly referred to as lead) shaft, usually blended with clay, clad…
pencil n. (Optics) An aggregate or collection of rays of light, especially when diverging from, or converging to, a point.
PENIALpenial adj. (Usually of invertebrates) Of or relating to the penis.
PENIAL adj. relating to the penis, also PENILE.
PENILEpenile adj. Pertaining to the penis.
PENILE adj. relating to the penis, also PENIAL.
PENILLPENILL n. (Welsh) a verse or stanza in Welsh poetry, also PENNILL.
PENSILPENSIL n. a small pennon, also PENCEL, PENSEL.
PINEALpineal adj. In the shape of a pine cone.
pineal adj. Pertaining to the pineal gland.
pineal n. The pineal gland.
PINGLEpingle n. (Obsolete, UK, dialect) A small piece of enclosed ground.
pingle v. (Intransitive, UK, dialect) To eat with a feeble appetite.
pingle v. (Intransitive, UK, dialect) To dawdle.
PINOLEpinole n. A coarse flour made from ground toasted maize kernels, often mixed with herbs, which may be eaten by…
Pinole prop.n. A city in Contra Costa County, California, United States.
PINOLE n. (Spanish) an American Indian food consisting of parched ground cereal grains.
PINTLEpintle n. (Now dialectal) The penis.
pintle n. (Nautical) A pin or bolt, usually vertical, which acts as a pivot for a hinge or a rudder.
pintle n. (Gunnery) An iron pin used to control recoil of a cannon or around which a gun carriage revolves.
SPINELspinel n. (Mineralogy) Any of several hard minerals of cubic symmetry that are mixed oxides of magnesium and aluminium…
spinel n. (Solid state chemistry) Any crystalline material, not necessarily an oxide, that possesses the same…
spinel n. Bleached yarn in making the linen tape called inkle; unwrought inkle.
SPLINEspline n. Long thin piece of metal or wood.
spline n. (Woodworking) A strip of wood or other material inserted into grooves in each of two pieces of wood…
spline n. A flexible strip of metal or other material, that may be bent into a curve and used in a similar manner…
UNPILEunpile v. (Transitive) To remove from a pile or stack.
UNPILE v. to disentangle from a pile.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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