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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 14 six-letter words containing E, 2I, N and R

GIRNIEGIRNIE adj. ill-tempered.
INKIERinkier adj. Comparative form of inky: more inky.
INKY adj. like ink.
INLIERinlier n. (Geology) An area of older rocks surrounded by younger rocks, typically formed by erosion of part of the younger rock.
inlier n. (Statistics) A value that fits a pattern, rather than being an outlier.
INLIER n. an older rock formation completely surrounded by newer strata.
INTIREintire adj. Obsolete spelling of entire.
INTIRE adj. (obsolete) entire.
IRENICirenic adj. (Chiefly theology, in extended usage) Promoting or fitted to promote peace; conciliatory, non-confrontational;…
IRENIC adj. peaceful in purpose, also EIRENIC, IRENICAL.
KEIRINkeirin n. (Cycle racing) A form of track cycling originating in Japan, where riders must initially race behind…
KEIRIN n. an 8-lap track cycling event in which the riders follow a motorcycle pacer, also KEIREN.
LINIERLINEY adj. resembling a line, also LINY.
MINIERMinier prop.n. A surname.
MINY adj. abounding with mines; like a mine.
NIRLIENIRLIE adj. (Scots) knotty, stunted, also NIRLED, NIRLIT, NIRLY.
PINIERpinier adj. Comparative form of piny: more piny.
PINY adj. covered with pine trees, also PINEY.
PIRNIEPIRNIE n. (Scots) a striped woollen nightcap.
TINIERtinier adj. Comparative form of tiny: more tiny.
TINY adj. very small.
VINIERvinier adj. Comparative form of viny: more viny.
VINY adj. of or pertaining to vines.
WINIERwinier adj. Comparative form of winy: more winy.
WINEY adj. like or tasting of wine, also WINISH, WINY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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