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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 12 six-letter words containing E, 2I, L and R

ELIXIRelixir n. (Alchemy) A liquid which converts lead to gold.
elixir n. (Alchemy) A substance or liquid which is believed to cure all ills and give eternal life.
elixir n. (By extension) The alleged cure for all ailments; cure-all, panacea.
GIRLIEgirlie n. (Slang) A magazine targeting an adult male audience and containing nude or semi-nude photographs of women.
girlie n. (Colloquial) A young girl.
girlie adj. (Slang) Of entertainment, involving attractive women or images thereof, usually nude or wearing skimpy clothing.
INLIERinlier n. (Geology) An area of older rocks surrounded by younger rocks, typically formed by erosion of part of the younger rock.
inlier n. (Statistics) A value that fits a pattern, rather than being an outlier.
INLIER n. an older rock formation completely surrounded by newer strata.
LIMIERlimier n. (Obsolete) A limer; a bloodhound.
LIMY adj. containing lime.
LINIERLINEY adj. resembling a line, also LINY.
LIVIERLIVIER n. a permanent resident of Newfoundland, also LIVYER, LIVEYERE, LIVEYER.
NIRLIENIRLIE adj. (Scots) knotty, stunted, also NIRLED, NIRLIT, NIRLY.
OILIERoilier adj. Comparative form of oily: more oily.
OILY adj. covered in oil.
PILIERPILY adj. of carpets, having a pile.
RILIERRILEY adj. turbid, also ROILY.
VIRILEvirile adj. Manly; having characteristics associated with being male, such as strength; exhibiting masculine traits…
virile adj. (Physiology, of a male) Possessing high sexual drive and capacity for sexual intercourse.
virile adj. (Grammar) Pertaining to a grammatical gender used in plurals of some Slavic languages, corresponding…
WILIERwilier adj. Comparative form of wily: more wily.
WILY adj. crafty.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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