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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 11 six-letter words containing E, 2I and 2L

BILLIEBillie prop.n. A male or female given name from the Germanic languages derived from Bill, the diminutive of William.
Billie prop.n. A nickname for Belinda.
BILLIE n. (Australian slang) a metal camp pot, also BILLY, BILLYCAN.
GILLIEgillie n. (Scotland, originally) A male attendant of a Scottish Highland chief.
gillie n. (Britain, Ireland, Scotland) A fishing and hunting guide; a man or boy who attends to a person who is…
gillie v. (Intransitive) To be a gillie, a fishing or hunting guide, for (someone).
ILLIPEillipe n. Any of several tropical trees whose nuts yield a fat having similar properties to cocoa butter.
ILLIPE n. (Tamil) the mahwa tree, also ILLUPI.
ILLITEillite n. (Mineralogy) A micaceous phyllosilicate clay mineral with aggregates of grey or white monoclinic crystals.
ILLITE n. a white or pale clay mineral found in shales or sediments.
KILLIEKillie prop.n. (Soccer) Kilmarnock Football Club, a football club based in Kilmarnock, Scotland.
KILLIE n. a small freshwater fish, used as bait, also KILLIFISH.
LILIEDlilied adj. Covered with, or having many, lilies.
LILIED adj. covered with lilies.
LILIESlilies n. Plural of lily.
LILY n. any plant or flower of the genus Lilium.
MILLIEmillie n. (Informal, Northern Ireland, dated, 19th century, derogatory or endearing) A mill worker, usually a…
millie n. (Informal, derogatory or endearing) A harshly-spoken working-class woman, often unemployed.
Millie prop.n. A diminutive of the female given names Mildred, Millicent, Emily, Amelia, or Camilla, also used as a…
NIELLInielli n. Plural of niello.
NIELLO n. (Italian) a black metallic substance.
PILLIEPILLIE n. (Australian slang) a pilchard.
WILLIEwillie n. Alternative spelling of willy.
Willie prop.n. A diminutive of the male given name William.
Willie prop.n. A diminutive of the female given name Wilhelmina or a feminine diminutive of William, often in the form Willie Mae.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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