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There are 18 six-letter words containing E, H, N, O and R

BREHONbrehon n. (Ireland, historical) A judge or lawgiver in ancient Celtic Ireland.
BREHON n. (historical) a judge or magistrate in ancient Ireland.
DEHORNdehorn v. (Transitive) To remove the horns from.
DEHORN v. to deprive of horns.
GORHENgorhen n. Female red grouse.
GORHEN n. (Scots) the female red grouse.
HEREONhereon adv. On this place.
hereon adv. To this place.
hereon adv. On this subject or basis.
HEROINheroin n. A powerful and addictive drug derived from opium producing intense euphoria. Classed as an illegal narcotic…
HEROIN n. an addictive narcotic.
HERONSherons n. Plural of heron.
HERON n. a wading bird.
HEROONheroon n. (Historical) A temple dedicated to a hero, often over his supposed tomb.
HEROON n. (Greek) a temple to a hero; a temple-shaped tomb.
HONERShoners n. Plural of honer.
honers n. Misspelling of honors/honours.
honers v. Misspelling of honors/honours.
HONKERhonker n. One who honks.
honker n. (Informal) A large nose.
honker n. (Informal) A wild goose.
HORNEDhorned adj. Having horns.
horned adj. (Obsolete) cuckolded.
horned v. Simple past tense and past participle of horn.
HORNERhorner n. Someone who works or deals in (animal) horn or horns.
horner n. (Obsolete) Someone who blows a horn (the musical insturment); a hornblower.
horner n. (Obsolete) Someone who cuckolds.
HORNEThornet n. A large wasp, of the genus Vespa, having a brown-and-yellow-striped body and the ability to inflict a serious sting.
hornet n. A person who pesters with petty but ceaseless attacks.
Hornet n. (Soccer) someone connected with Watford Football Club, as a fan, player, coach etc.
NOSHERnosher n. (Colloquial) Someone who noshes; an eater.
NOSHER n. one who noshes, nibbles between meals.
NOTHERnother pron. (Obsolete outside UK and Caribbean dialects) Neither.
nother adj. (Obsolete outside UK and Caribbean dialects) Neither.
nother pron. (Obsolete) Another.
PHONERphoner n. One who phones.
phoner n. (Informal) A broadcast interview conducted by telephone.
PHONER n. one that telephones.
RHONESrhones n. Plural of rhone.
RHONE n. (Scots) a roof-gutter, also ROAN, ROANPIPE, RONE, RONEPIPE.
SENHORsenhor n. A Portuguese gentleman.
senhor n. Obsolete spelling of señor.
SENHOR n. (Spanish) a Portuguese or Brazilian gentleman.
THRONEthrone n. An impressive seat used by a monarch, often on a raised dais in a throne room and reserved for formal occasions.
throne n. (Figuratively) Leadership, particularly the position of a monarch.
throne n. The seat of a bishop in the cathedral-church of his diocese; also, the seat of a pope.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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