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There are 20 six-letter words containing E, H, I, R and T

CITHERcither n. Alternative form of cittern.
CITHER n. a pear-shaped guitar, also CITHERN, CITHREN, CITOLA, CITOLE, CITTERN.
DITHERdither v. To tremble, shake, or shiver with cold.
dither v. To be uncertain or unable to make a decision about doing something.
dither v. To do something nervously.
EITHEReither det. Any one (of two).
either det. Each of two; both.
either det. (Now rare) Any one (of more than two).
HERIOTheriot n. (Obsolete) The return of military equipment.
heriot n. (Archaic) A payment made to a lord on the death of a tenant.
heriot n. (Dated) A tribute.
HERMIThermit n. A religious recluse; someone who lives alone for religious reasons; an eremite.
hermit n. A recluse; someone who lives alone and shuns human companionship.
hermit n. A spiced cookie made with molasses, raisins, and nuts.
HINTERhinter n. Agent noun of hint; someone who hints.
HINTER n. one that hints.
HITHERhither adv. (Literary or archaic) To this place, to here.
hither adv. Over here.
hither adj. (Archaic) On this side; the nearer.
HITTERhitter n. One who or that which hits.
hitter n. (Slang) An assassin for hire; a hitman.
hitter n. (Baseball) One who comes up to bat.
LITHERlither adj. (Archaic or Britain, dialectal).
lither adj. (Obsolete).
lither adj. Comparative form of lithe: more lithe.
MITHERmither v. (Intransitive, Northern England, especially Manchester) To make an unnecessary fuss, moan, bother.
mither v. (Transitive, Northern England, especially Manchester) To pester or irritate someone. Usually directed at children.
mither n. (Scotland and Northern England) mother.
NITHERnither adj. Alternative form of nether.
nither adv. Alternative form of nether.
nither v. Alternative form of nether.
THEIRStheirs pron. That which belongs to them; the possessive case of they, used without a following noun.
their's pron. Misspelling of theirs.
their's cont. Misspelling of there’s.
THETRITHETRI n. a currency unit of Georgia, also TETRI.
THRICEthrice adv. (Dated) Three times.
THRICE adv. three times.
THRIVEthrive v. To grow or increase stature; to grow vigorously or luxuriantly, to flourish.
thrive v. To increase in wealth or success; to prosper, be profitable.
THRIVE v. to grow vigorously.
TITHERtither n. One who collects tithes.
tither n. One who pays tithes.
TITHER n. one who collects tithes.
WHITERwhiter adj. Comparative form of white: more white.
WHITE adj. of the color of pure snow.
WITHERwither v. (Intransitive) To shrivel, droop or dry up, especially from lack of water.
wither v. (Transitive) To cause to shrivel or dry up.
wither v. (Intransitive, figurative) To lose vigour or power; to languish; to pass away.
WRITHEwrithe v. (Transitive) To twist, wring (something).
writhe v. (Transitive) To contort (a part of the body).
writhe v. (Intransitive) To twist bodily; to contort one’s self; to be distorted.
ZITHERzither n. (Music) A musical instrument consisting of a flat sounding box with numerous strings placed on a horizontal…
zither n. (Music, translations) Related or similar instruments in other cultures, such as the Chinese guqin or…
zither v. To play a zither.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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