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There are 17 six-letter words containing E, G, O, R and U

AERUGOaerugo n. Metallic rust, particularly of brass or copper; verdigris.
ærugo n. Archaic form of aerugo.
AERUGO n. (Latin) a green film that forms on copper, also ERUGO.
BROGUEbrogue n. A strong dialectal accent. In Ireland it used to be a term for Irish spoken with a strong English accent…
brogue n. A strong Oxford shoe, with ornamental perforations and wing tips.
brogue n. (Dated) A heavy shoe of untanned leather.
DROGUEdrogue n. (Whaling) A floating object attached to the end of a harpoon line to slow a whale down and prevent it from diving.
drogue n. (Nautical) A type of bag pulled behind a boat to stop it from broaching to.
drogue n. (Aeronautics) A conical parachute used as a brake for some kinds of aircraft, or as a means of extracting…
ERUGOSERUGO n. (Latin) a green film that forms on copper, also AERUGO.
GOUGERgouger n. Someone who gouges.
GOUGER n. one that gouges.
GOURDEgourde n. The currency of Haiti, divided into 100 centimes.
GOURDE n. (French) a monetary unit of Haiti.
GROUSEgrouse n. (Countable) Any of various game birds of the subfamily Tetraoninae which inhabit temperate and subarctic…
grouse n. (Uncountable) The flesh or meat of this bird eaten as food.
grouse v. (Intransitive) To hunt or shoot grouse.
MORGUEmorgue n. (Archaic) A supercilious or haughty attitude; arrogance.
morgue n. A building or room where dead bodies are kept before their proper burial or cremation, (now) particularly…
morgue n. (Archaic) The archive and background information division of a newspaper.
ORGUESorgues n. Plural of orgue.
ORGUE n. (obsolete) a row of stakes let down like a portcullis.
REGULOregulo n. Any of a number of temperatures to which a gas oven may be set. e.g. regulo 4.
regulo n. (Historical) a colonially-appointed chief in parts of Africa.
REGULO n. the scale of temperature in a gas oven.
ROGUEDrogued v. Simple past tense and past participle of rogue.
ROGUE v. to cheat or defraud.
ROGUERROGUER n. a rogue.
ROGUESrogues n. Plural of rogue.
rogues v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rogue.
Rogues prop.n. Plural of Rogue.
ROUGEDrouged v. Simple past tense and past participle of rouge.
ROUGE v. (French) to colour with a red cosmetic.
ROUGESrouges n. Plural of rouge.
ROUGE v. (French) to colour with a red cosmetic.
RUGOSErugose adj. Having rugae or wrinkles, creases, ridges, or corrugation.
rugose adj. (Figurative, rare) Rugged, rough, unrefined.
rugose adj. (Botany) Having a rough, wrinkled, or wavy surface; commonly in parasynthetic usage e.g. rugose-veined…
VOGUERvoguer n. One who dances in the vogue style.
VOGUER n. one who vogues, performs to pop music a stylized dance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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