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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 15 six-letter words containing E, G, O, P and R

GOPHERgopher n. A small burrowing rodent native to North and Central America, especially in the family Geomyidae (true gophers).
gopher n. The ground squirrel.
gopher n. The gopher tortoise.
GORPEDGORP v. to stare stupidly, also GAWP, GAUP.
GROPEDgroped v. Simple past tense and past participle of grope.
GROPE v. to feel about with the hands.
GROPERgroper n. Agent noun of grope; one who gropes.
groper n. An employee of the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA), especially those who perform inspections…
groper n. (Australia) Any of several marine fish, especially the Queensland groper or giant grouper, Epinephelus…
GROPESgropes n. Plural of grope.
gropes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of grope.
GROPE v. to feel about with the hands.
PEROGIperogi n. Alternative spelling of pierogi.
PEROGI n. (Polish) a traditional Polish dish, a semicircular filled dumpling, also PEROGIE, PEROGY, PIEROGI, PIROGI, PYROGY, PYROHY.
PEROGSPEROG n. (Russian) a large Russian pie, stuffed with meat, fish, eggs, or cabbage, also PIEROG, PIROG.
PEROGYperogy n. Alternative spelling of pierogi.
PEROGY n. (Russian) a small dumpling with a filling, also PEROGI, PEROGIE, PIEROGI, PIROGI, PYROGY, PYROHY.
PIEROGpierog n. Rare form of pierogi.
pieróg n. Rare form of pierogi.
PIEROG n. a large Russian pie, stuffed with meat, fish, eggs, or cabbage, also PEROG, PIROG.
POGOERpogoer n. One who dances the pogo.
POGOER n. someone who pogos.
PORGEDPORGE v. in Jewish ritual, to cleanse a slaughtered animal by removing the forbidden parts.
PORGESPORGE v. in Jewish ritual, to cleanse a slaughtered animal by removing the forbidden parts.
PORGIEporgie n. Alternative form of porgy.
PORGIE n. a species of saltwater fish, a sea-bream, also PORGY.
PREGGOpreggo adj. (Informal, colloquial) Pregnant.
preggo n. (Slang, sometimes offensive) A pregnant person.
PREGGO adj. (slang) pregnant, also PREGGERS, PREGGY.
PROLEGproleg n. (Entomology) An appendage of the abdomen of some insect larvae, such as caterpillars, which is used like a leg.
PROLEG n. an abdominal leg of certain insect larvae.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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