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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 12 six-letter words containing E, G, L, T and U

BUGLETbuglet n. (Music) A small bugle.
buglet n. (Computing, informal) A minor bug in a program.
BUGLET n. a small bugle.
ENGLUTenglut v. To swallow; to swallow up, engulf.
englut v. To glut, satiate.
ENGLUT v. to glut, to fill.
GLUTEIglutei n. Plural of gluteus.
GLUTEUS n. (Greek) a buttock muscle, also GLUTAEUS.
GLUTENgluten n. (Obsolete) Fibrin (formerly considered as one of the "animal humours").
gluten n. (Rare) Any gluey, sticky substance.
gluten n. (Cooking, biochemistry) The major protein in cereal grains, especially wheat; responsible for the elasticity…
GLUTESglutes n. Plural of glute.
GLUTE n. any of the three large muscles of the buttocks, also GLUTAEUS.
GUGLETguglet n. Alternative form of goglet.
GUGLET n. a porous earthen jar for cooling water by evaporation, also GOGLET, GURGLET.
GULETSgulets n. Plural of gulet.
GULET n. a wooden Turkish sailing boat, traditionally used to carry freight, now used for pleasure trips.
GULLETgullet n. The throat or esophagus.
gullet n. (Cytology) The cytopharynx of a ciliate, through which food is ingested.
gullet n. The space between the teeth of a saw blade.
GURLETgurlet n. A pickaxe with one sharp point and one cutting edge.
GURLET n. (French) a pickaxe with one pointed and one bladed end.
GUTTLEguttle v. (Transitive) Often followed by down or up: to swallow (something) greedily; to gobble, to guzzle.
guttle v. (Intransitive) To eat voraciously; to gorge.
guttle n. (Britain, dialectal).
JUGLETjuglet n. An ancient container for liquids, similar to but smaller than modern-day jugs.
JUGLET n. a small jug.
TEGULAtegula n. (Entomology) A small sclerite situated above the base of the costal vein in the wings of various insects…
tegula n. (Archaeology) A flat Roman roof tile with raised edges, joined together by an imbrex.
tegula n. (Malacology) Any sea snail in the genus Tegula.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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