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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 18 six-letter words containing E, G, L, O and R

GALOREgalore adj. (Postpositive) In abundance.
galore n. (Archaic) An abundance; plenty.
GALORE n. (Irish) an abundance.
GAOLERgaoler n. (Commonwealth, dated) Alternative spelling of jailer.
GAOLER n. one who keeps a gaol, also JAILER, JAILOR.
GLOIREGLOIRE n. (French) glory.
GLOVERglover n. A person who makes or sells gloves.
Glover n. (Soccer) someone connected with Yeovil Town Football Club, as a fan, player, coach etc.
Glover prop.n. An occupational surname for a person who was a glover.
GLOWERglower v. (Intransitive) To look or stare with anger.
glower n. An angry glare or stare.
glower n. That which glows or emits light.
GOLDERgolder adj. Comparative form of gold: more gold.
Golder prop.n. A surname.
GOLD adj. of the colour of gold.
GOLFERgolfer n. Someone who plays golf.
golfer n. (Computing) One who takes part in code golf or regex golf.
GOLFER n. one that golfs, also GOWFER.
GOLLERgoller v. (Scotland) To gurgle.
Goller prop.n. A surname.
GOLLER v. (Scots) to make a loud gurgling sound, also GOLLAR.
GROVELgrovel v. (Intransitive) To be prone on the ground.
grovel v. (Intransitive) To crawl.
grovel v. (Intransitive) To abase oneself before another person.
LODGERlodger n. A person who lodges in another’s house (compare tenant).
LODGER n. one who stays in rented accommodation.
LOGGERlogger n. A worker whose occupation is to harvest trees.
logger n. That which logs, such as a computer program to keep track of events.
LOGGER n. one who fells timber for a living.
LOGIERlogier adj. Comparative form of logy: more logy.
LOGY adj. sluggish, also LOGGY.
LONGERlonger adj. Comparative form of long: more long.
longer adv. Comparative form of long: more long.
longer n. One who longs or yearns for something.
OGLERSoglers n. Plural of ogler.
OGLER n. one who ogles.
PROLEGproleg n. (Entomology) An appendage of the abdomen of some insect larvae, such as caterpillars, which is used like a leg.
PROLEG n. an abdominal leg of certain insect larvae.
REGLOWreglow n. Recalescence.
reglow v. To recalesce.
REGLOW v. to glow again.
REGULOregulo n. Any of a number of temperatures to which a gas oven may be set. e.g. regulo 4.
regulo n. (Historical) a colonially-appointed chief in parts of Africa.
REGULO n. the scale of temperature in a gas oven.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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