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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 15 six-letter words containing E, G, I, O and R

ERINGOeringo n. Alternative form of eryngo.
ERINGO n. (Greek) a plant of the genus Eryngium, sea holly, reputed to be an aphrodisiac, also ERYNGIUM, ERYNGO.
GLOIREGLOIRE n. (French) glory.
GOITERgoiter n. (US, Canada) Alternative spelling of goitre.
GOITER n. an enlargement of the thyroid gland, also GOITRE.
GOITREgoitre n. (Pathology, UK) An enlargement of the front and sides of the neck caused by inflammation of the thyroid gland.
GOITRE n. an enlargement of the thyroid gland, also GOITER.
GOOIERgooier adj. Comparative form of gooey: more gooey.
GOOEY adj. sticky or viscid.
GOORIEGOORIE n. (New Zealand) a mongrel, an extinct native dog, also GOORY, KURI.
GORIERgorier adj. Comparative form of gory: more gory.
GORY adj. bloody, also GOARY.
IGNOREignore v. To deliberately not listen or pay attention to.
ignore v. To pretend to not notice someone or something.
ignore v. (Obsolete) Fail to notice.
LOGIERlogier adj. Comparative form of logy: more logy.
LOGY adj. sluggish, also LOGGY.
ORGIESorgies n. Plural of orgy.
orgies n. Plural of orgie.
ORGY n. a revel of debauchery, also ORGIA.
PEROGIperogi n. Alternative spelling of pierogi.
PEROGI n. (Polish) a traditional Polish dish, a semicircular filled dumpling, also PEROGIE, PEROGY, PIEROGI, PIROGI, PYROGY, PYROHY.
PIEROGpierog n. Rare form of pierogi.
pieróg n. Rare form of pierogi.
PIEROG n. a large Russian pie, stuffed with meat, fish, eggs, or cabbage, also PEROG, PIROG.
PORGIEporgie n. Alternative form of porgy.
PORGIE n. a species of saltwater fish, a sea-bream, also PORGY.
REGIONregion n. Any considerable and connected part of a space or surface; specifically, a tract of land or sea of considerable…
region n. An administrative subdivision of a city, a territory, a country.
region n. (Figuratively) The inhabitants of a region or district of a country.
VOGIERVOGIE adj. (Scots) vain, proud; merry, cheerful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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