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There are 16 six-letter words containing E, 2G, O and R

BOGGERbogger n. Someone associated with or who works in a bog.
bogger n. (Australia, slang) A man who catches nippers (snapping prawns).
bogger n. (Originally UK, derogatory) Synonym of Boglander: an Irishman, now (Ireland, derogatory) a yokel, an…
COGGERcogger n. Someone who cheats at dice.
cogger n. A flatterer or deceiver.
Cogger prop.n. A surname originating as an occupation.
DOGGERdogger n. A two-masted fishing vessel, used by the Dutch.
dogger n. (Britain) A participant in the sexual activity of dogging.
dogger n. A sort of stone, found in the mines with the true alum rock, chiefly of silica and iron.
FOGGERfogger n. The outlet at the end of a hose which is designed to atomize, spray, or mist the contents flowing through…
fogger n. A device that generates artificial fog or smoke for stage performances.
fogger n. (Obsolete) One who fogs; a pettifogger.
GORGEDgorged adj. With a stomach stuffed full of food.
gorged adj. (Heraldry) With the neck collared or encircled by an object.
gorged adj. Having a gorge or throat.
GORGERgorger n. One who gorges.
gorger n. Someone who is not a Romani, Sinti, Gypsy, or Traveller.
gorger n. (UK, slang, obsolete) A well-dressed man; a swell; sometimes an employer, or principal, as the manager of a theatre.
GORGESgorges n. Plural of gorge.
gorges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gorge.
GORGE v. to stuff with food.
GORGETgorget n. (Historical) A piece of armour protecting the throat and/or the upper part of the chest.
gorget n. (Historical) A crescent-shaped ornamental metal plate suspended around the neck from the crescent’s…
gorget n. (Historical) A type of women’s clothing covering the neck and breast; a wimple.
GOUGERgouger n. Someone who gouges.
GOUGER n. one that gouges.
GREGOSgregos n. Plural of grego.
Gregos prop.n. Plural of Grego.
GREGO n. (Portuguese) a hooded jacket or cloak worn in East Mediterranean countries.
HOGGERhogger n. Agent noun of hog; one who, or that which, hogs.
hogger n. A stocking without a foot, worn by coal miners at work.
hogger n. (Slang) A marijuana cigarette.
JOGGERjogger v. (Polari) To play.
jogger v. (Polari) To sing.
jogger v. (Polari) To entertain.
LOGGERlogger n. A worker whose occupation is to harvest trees.
logger n. That which logs, such as a computer program to keep track of events.
LOGGER n. one who fells timber for a living.
PREGGOpreggo adj. (Informal, colloquial) Pregnant.
preggo n. (Slang, sometimes offensive) A pregnant person.
PREGGO adj. (slang) pregnant, also PREGGERS, PREGGY.
REGGOSREGGO n. (Australian slang) a (motor vehicle) registration, also REGO.
TOGGERtogger v. (Dialectal, Northern English) To play football.
TOGGER v. (colloquial) to play football.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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