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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing E, 2G, L and R

EGGLEReggler n. (Archaic) One who gathers, or deals in, eggs.
EGGLER n. (archaic) an egg-dealer.
GARGLEgargle v. (Intransitive) to clean one’s mouth by holding water or some other liquid in the back of the mouth and…
gargle v. (Intransitive) to make a sound like the one made while gargling.
gargle v. (Transitive) to clean a specific part of the body by gargling (almost always throat or mouth).
GLURGEglurge n. (Slang) oversentimental stories with a moral, often with hidden negative undertones.
GLURGE n. supposedly factual stories sent by email, often mawkish and fabricated.
GURGLEgurgle v. To flow with a bubbling sound.
gurgle v. To make such a sound.
gurgle n. A gurgling sound.
LAGGERlagger n. One who or that which lags behind; a laggard.
lagger n. One who installs lagging.
lagger n. (Video games, informal) A player who lags (has a poor or slow network connection).
LEGGERlegger n. (Informal) A bootlegger.
legger n. (Britain, obsolete) A man employed by the owners of a canal to push boats through narrow canal tunnels…
LEGGER n. a bargeman who legs.
LIGGERligger n. The horizontal timber of a scaffolding; a ledger.
ligger n. A simply supported plank over a stream used as a footbridge.
ligger n. A nether millstone.
LOGGERlogger n. A worker whose occupation is to harvest trees.
logger n. That which logs, such as a computer program to keep track of events.
LOGGER n. one who fells timber for a living.
LUGGERlugger n. That which lugs in either literal or figurative senses.
lugger n. One who lugs, especially one whose job entails pulling or moving heavy objects.
lugger n. (Slang, Australia, US) A conman.
RAGGLEraggle n. (Construction) A groove or slot, often cut in a masonry wall or other vertical surface, for inserting…
raggle n. A ragged piece.
raggle v. (Transitive) To notch irregularly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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