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There are 16 six-letter words containing E, F, O, R and S

FETORSfetors n. Plural of fetor.
FETOR n. (Latin) a stench, also FOETOR.
FORCESforces n. Plural of force.
forces n. (Military) Troops (plural only).
forces n. (Music) The orchestral instrumentation (and voices) used in a musical production (chiefly plural).
FORELSforels n. Plural of forel.
FOREL v. to bind books with a kind of parchment.
FORESTforest n. A dense uncultivated tract of trees and undergrowth, larger than woods.
forest n. Any dense collection or amount.
forest n. (Historical) A defined area of land set aside in England as royal hunting ground or for other privileged…
FORGESforges n. Plural of forge.
Forges prop.n. Plural of Forge.
FORGE v. to counterfeit for fraudulent purposes.
FORMESformes n. Plural of forme.
FORME n. a body of type secured for printing in chase.
FORTESfortes n. Plural of forte.
fortes n. Plural of fortis.
Fortes prop.n. Plural of Forte.
FOSTERfoster adj. Providing parental care to children not related to oneself.
foster adj. Receiving such care.
foster adj. Related by such care.
FOYERSfoyers n. Plural of foyer.
FOYER n. (French) a large room in a theatre or concert hall for the use of the audience during intervals.
FREONSfreons n. Plural of freon.
FREON n. (tradename) an aerosol propellant.
FRESCOfresco n. (Countable) A cool, refreshing state of the air; coolness, duskiness, shade.
fresco n. (Countable, painting) An artwork made by applying water-based pigment to wet or fresh lime mortar or plaster.
fresco n. (Uncountable, painting) The technique used to make such an artwork.
FROISEfroise n. A kind of large thick pancake or omelette, often with slices of bacon.
FROISE n. a thick pancake, with slices of bacon.
FUEROSfueros n. Plural of fuero.
FUERO n. (Spanish) a Basque law code.
GOFERSgofers n. Plural of gofer.
go-fers n. Plural of go-fer.
GOFER n. a waffle with a pattern of crossed lines, also GAUFER, GAUFRE.
OFFERSoffers n. Plural of offer.
offers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of offer.
Offers prop.n. Plural of Offer.
SOFTERsofter adj. Comparative form of soft: more soft.
SOFT adj. not hard, also SAFT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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