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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 17 six-letter words containing E, F, L, O and R

FLEXORflexor n. A muscle whose contraction acts to bend a joint or limb.
FLEXOR n. a muscle that bends part of the body.
FLORAEflorae n. Plural of flora.
floræ n. Plural of flora.
FLORA n. (Latin) the plant life of a particular region.
FLORETfloret n. A small flower, especially one of a cluster in a composite flower.
FLORET n. a small flower, esp. of a composite plant, also FLOWERET.
FLOWERflower n. A colorful, conspicuous structure associated with angiosperms, frequently scented and attracting various…
flower n. (Botany) A reproductive structure in angiosperms (flowering plants), often conspicuously colourful and…
flower n. A plant that bears flowers, especially a plant that is small and lacks wood.
FOLDERfolder n. An organizer that papers are kept in, usually with an index tab, to be stored as a single unit in a filing cabinet.
folder n. (Computing) A virtual container in a computer’s file system, in which files and other folders may be…
folder n. A machine or person that folds things.
FORELSforels n. Plural of forel.
FOREL v. to bind books with a kind of parchment.
FOULERfouler n. One who fouls.
fouler adj. Comparative form of foul: more foul.
FOUL adj. offensive to the senses.
FOWLERfowler n. A hunter of wildfowl.
Fowler prop.n. A surname originating as an occupation for a hunter of birds.
Fowler prop.n. The Fowler’s position.
FUROLEfurole n. Alternative form of furol.
FUROLE n. a liquid obtained by heating bran with dilute sulphuric acid, also FURAL, FURFURAL, FURFURALDEHYDE, FURFUROL, FURFUROLE, FUROL.
GOLFERgolfer n. Someone who plays golf.
golfer n. (Computing) One who takes part in code golf or regex golf.
GOLFER n. one that golfs, also GOWFER.
LOAFERloafer n. An idle person.
loafer n. A shoe with no laces, resembling a moccasin.
loafer v. (Dialect) To loaf around; to be idle.
LOFTERlofter n. (Golf) An obsolete golf club, the predecessor of the niblick.
LOFTER n. a type of golf club.
REFLOWreflow v. (Intransitive) To flow back again; to flow once more.
reflow v. (Transitive, chiefly engineering) To cause to flow again, to remelt.
reflow v. (Transitive, computing, wordprocessing) To modify the layout of text around other objects in a document.
REFOLDrefold v. To fold again.
REFOLD v. to fold again.
ROLFEDrolfed v. Simple past tense and past participle of rolf.
ROLF v. to perform a deep massage.
ROLFERRolfer n. A practitioner of Rolfing.
ROLFER n. a manipulator of muscles.
WOLFERwolfer n. One who devours food greedily; one who wolfs down food.
wolfer n. One who hunts and kills wolves.
Wolfer prop.n. A surname.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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