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There are 20 six-letter words containing 2E, R, T and V

BREVETbrevet n. A military document entitling a commissioned officer to hold a higher rank temporarily, but without…
brevet n. A warrant from the government, granting a privilege, title, or dignity, as in France.
brevet n. An organized, long-distance bicycle ride — not a race, but a test of endurance — which follows a designated…
EVERTSeverts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of evert.
Everts prop.n. Plural of Evert.
EVERT v. to turn inside out.
REVERTrevert n. One who, or that which, reverts.
revert n. (Religion) One who reverts to that religion which he had adhered to before having converted to another.
revert n. (Islam, due to the belief that all people are born Muslim) A convert to Islam.
REVESTrevest v. (Obsolete) To dress (a priest or other religious figure) in ritual garments, especially to celebrate…
revest v. To reclothe; to dress again.
revest v. To return (property) to a former owner; to reinstate.
REVETSrevets v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of revet.
REVET v. to face with masonry.
REVOTErevote n. An act of voting again.
revote v. To vote again.
REVOTE v. to vote again.
STERVESTERVE v. (Spenser) to starve, die.
TREVETtrevet n. A stool or other thing supported by three legs; a trivet.
TREVET n. a small stand with three legs, also TRIVET.
VENTERventer n. A woman with offspring.
venter n. (Biology) A protuberant, usually hollow structure, notably…
venter n. A broad, shallow concavity, notably of a bone.
VENTREVentre prop.n. A surname from Italian.
VENTRE v. (obsolete) to venture.
VERDETVERDET n. copper acetate.
VERITEvérité n. Short for cinéma vérité.
VERITE n. (French) reality, truth, as in cinema verite.
VERSETverset n. (Music) A very short organ interlude or prelude.
verset n. (Obsolete) A verse.
VERSET n. a short line of metrical writing, also VERSICLE.
VERSTEverste n. Obsolete spelling of verst.
VERSTE n. (Russian) a unit of distance equal to approximately 2/3 of a mile, also VERST.
VERTEDVERT v. (colloquial) to become a convert.
VERTEXvertex n. The highest point, top or apex of something.
vertex n. (Geometry) An angular point of a polygon, polyhedron or higher order polytope.
vertex n. (Mathematics) A point on the curve with a local minimum or maximum of curvature.
VERTUEvertue n. Obsolete spelling of virtue.
VERTUE n. moral excellence, also VIRTUE.
VERVETvervet n. A small African monkey, Cercopithecus aethiops or Chlorocebus pygerythrus, having a long tail, a black…
VERVET n. (French) a small, long-tailed African monkey.
VETOERvetoer n. One who exercises the power to refuse approval.
VETOER n. one who vetoes.
VETTERvetter n. Agent noun of vet: one who vets.
Vetter prop.n. A surname from German.
VETTER n. one that evaluates something for approval.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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