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There are 15 six-letter words containing 2E, M, P and R

AMPEREampere n. A unit of electrical current, the standard base unit in the International System of Units; colloquially…
ampère n. Alternative spelling of ampere.
AMPERE n. (French) a unit of electric current strength.
DEPERMdeperm v. (Transitive, chiefly nautical) To degauss or demagnetize; especially, to degauss a ship by dragging…
deperm n. (Chiefly nautical) The act or process of deperming.
DEPERM v. to demagnetize (a ship or submarine) to protect it from magnetic detection.
EMPAREEMPARE v. (Spenser) to become worse, also EMPAIRE.
EMPERYempery n. (Obsolete) An empire; the status or dominion of an emperor.
empery n. (Archaic) Absolute power or authority.
EMPERY n. empire or power.
EMPIREempire n. A political unit, typically having an extensive territory or comprising a number of territories or nations…
empire n. A political unit ruled by an emperor or empress.
empire n. The group of states or other territories that owe allegiance to an imperial power (foreign to them)…
EPIMERepimer n. (Chemistry) Any diastereoisomer that has the opposite configuration at only one of the stereogenic centres.
EPIMER n. a type of sugar compound.
KEMPERkemper n. One who kemps, or strives, for superiority; a champion or knight-errant.
Kemper prop.n. A surname.
Kemper prop.n. The Breton name for Quimper, France (see Breton language entry below).
PERMEDpermed v. Simple past tense and past participle of perm.
permed adj. That has been given a permanent wave.
PERM v. to permanent wave the hair.
PERMIEpermie n. (UK, informal) A permanent employee.
PERMIE n. a permanent worker, as opposed to a temp.
PREMEDpremed n. A premedication.
premed n. Alternative form of pre-med.
pre-med n. An undergraduate college academic program, typically in biochemistry or related sciences, that prepares…
PREMENpremen n. Plural of preman.
PREMAN n. a hypothetical ancestor of man.
PREMIEpremie n. Alternative spelling of preemie.
premie n. A follower of the controversial spiritual leader Prem Rawat (born 1957).
PREMIE n. (US slang) a premature baby, also PREEMIE, PREM, PREMY.
SEMPERsemper- pref. Always, unvarying.
SEMPER adj. (Latin) always.
SEMPREsempre adv. (Music, as a qualifier) always, still; maintaining the same style.
SEMPRE adv. (Italian) in the same manner throughout (a musical direction).
TEMPERtemper n. A general tendency or orientation towards a certain type of mood, a volatile state; a habitual way of…
temper n. State of mind; mood.
temper n. A tendency to become angry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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