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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 12 six-letter words containing 2E, L, M and T

EMLETSEMLETS n. as in blood-drop emlets, a Chilean flower.
HELMEThelmet n. A hard, protective head covering, typically part of armour.
helmet n. That which resembles a helmet in form, position, etc.
helmet v. (Transitive) To cover with, or as if with, a helmet.
MEETLYmeetly adv. (Archaic) fitly; suitably; properly.
MEET adv. suitable.
MELTEDmelted v. Simple past tense and past participle of melt.
melted adj. Being in a liquid state as a result of melting.
MELT v. to change from a solid to a liquid state by heat.
MELTERmelter n. A person or thing that melts.
melter n. A furnace used for melting iron in a foundry.
melter n. A laborer who operates such a furnace.
METTLEmettle n. A quality of endurance and courage.
mettle n. Good temperament and character.
mettle n. (Obsolete) Metal; a metallic substance.
OMELETomelet n. (US spelling) Alternative form of omelette.
OMELET n. a dish made with beaten eggs, also OMELETTE.
PELMETpelmet n. An interior decorative item that is placed above a window to hide the curtain mechanisms, visually similar…
PELMET n. a fringe or valance for hiding a curtain rod.
REMELTremelt v. To melt again after thawing.
REMELT v. to melt again.
TELESMtelesm n. A magical talisman, amulet or charm.
TELESM n. (Greek) a talisman.
TELOMEtelome n. (Biology) A terminal branch of a stem, thought to have evolved into the leaf, according to one theory…
TELOME n. a structural unit of a vascular plant.
TEMPLEtemple n. A house of worship, especially…
temple n. A meeting house of the Oddfellows fraternity; its members.
temple n. (Figurative) Any place regarded as holding a religious presence.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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