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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 13 six-letter words containing 2E, L, M and R

ELMIERELMY adj. full of elm trees.
HELMERhelmer n. (US) Synonym of showrunner.
Helmer prop.n. A surname from German.
Helmer prop.n. An unincorporated community in Latah County, Idaho, United States.
MEALERmealer n. (Historical, colloquial) A lodger who regularly left his or her accommodation to dine elsewhere, rather…
Mealer prop.n. A surname.
MEALER n. a device for converting grain into meal.
MELDERmelder n. One who melds.
Melder prop.n. A surname.
MELDER n. (Scots) the quantity of meal ground at one time.
MELTERmelter n. A person or thing that melts.
melter n. A furnace used for melting iron in a foundry.
melter n. A laborer who operates such a furnace.
MERELLMERELL n. a counter used in a game of merils, also MEREL, MERIL.
MERELSMEREL n. a counter used in a game of merils, also MERELL, MERIL.
MERELYmerely adv. (Focus) Without any other reason etc.; only, just, and nothing more.
merely adv. (Obsolete) Wholly, entirely.
MERE adv. nothing more, nothing better.
MERLESmerles n. Plural of merle.
MERLE n. a blackbird, also MERL.
MEWLERmewler n. One who mewls.
MEWLER n. one that mewls.
RELUMErelume v. (Transitive, now rare) To rekindle; to relight (literally or figuratively).
relume v. (Transitive, now rare) To make clear or bright again.
RELUME v. to light again, also RELUMINE.
REMBLEremble v. (Chiefly East Midlands) To move in order to make tidy; to tidy or put away.
REMBLE v. to remove.
REMELTremelt v. To melt again after thawing.
REMELT v. to melt again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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