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There are 19 six-letter words containing 2E, I, N and T

EIDENTeident adj. (Scotland, Ireland) Busy, industrious, diligent.
EIDENT adj. (Scots) busy, diligent.
EMETINemetin n. (Organic chemistry) The alkaloid forming the active principle of ipecacuanha root.
EMETIN n. an alkaloid which causes vomiting, also EMETINE.
ENDITEendite n. An additional lobe on the inner side of the protopodite of a crustacean limb.
endite n. One of the mouthparts of a spider or other arachnids, specifically the lobe of the palpal coxa lateral to the labium.
endite v. Obsolete form of indite.
ENTICEentice v. (Transitive) To lure; to attract by arousing desire or hope.
ENTICE v. to lead astray.
ENTIREentire adj. (Sometimes postpositive) Whole; complete.
entire adj. (Botany) Having a smooth margin without any indentation.
entire adj. (Botany) Consisting of a single piece, as a corolla.
EXTINEextine n. (Botany) The outer membrane of the grains of pollen of flowering plants.
EXTINE n. the outer layer of some spores, also EXINE.
LENITElenite v. (Phonetics, phonology, transitive) To cause (a consonant) to undergo lenition.
lenite v. (Phonetics, phonology, intransitive) To undergo lenition.
LENITE v. to articulate a lenis.
NERITEnerite n. Any snail of the genus Nerita, or more generally, of the family Neritidae.
NERITE n. (Greek) a type of sea snail.
NETTIEnettie n. (Geordie and Wearside) Alternative form of netty: an outhouse; a lavatory; a toilet.
nettie n. (Internet, informal) An internet user, particularly a Usenet user.
Nettie prop.n. A diminutive of the female given names Annette and Jeannette.
NIENTEniente adv. (Music) totally silent, as a musical direction (abbreviated to n. or ∅ in sheet music).
NIENTE adv. (Italian) softly fading away - used as a musical direction.
RETINERETINE n. a substance in cells that retards growth and cell division.
SEITENSEITEN n. (Japanese) a food made from wheat gluten, also SEITAN.
TEEINGteeing v. Present participle of tee.
TEE v. to place a golf ball on a small peg.
TENESITENESI n. a monetary unit of Turkmenistan, also TENNE, TENNY.
TENIAEteniae n. Plural of tenia.
TENIA n. (Latin) a narrow band or hair-ribbon worn in Greece, also TAENIA.
TENTIETENTIE adj. watchful, also TENTY.
THEINEtheine n. (Organic chemistry) Caffeine when present in tea.
theine n. Obsolete form of thane.
THEINE n. an alkaloid found in tea, identical to caffeine, also THEIN.
TRIENEtriene n. (Organic chemistry) Any alkene that has three double bonds.
TRIENE n. a type of chemical compound.
VENITEVenite prop.n. Psalm 95.
VENITE n. (Latin) the 95th psalm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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