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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 16 six-letter words containing 2E, I, L and N

EELINGeeling v. Present participle of eel.
eeling n. (Uncountable) Fishing for eels.
eeling n. (Countable) A young eel, or elver.
ENISLEenisle v. (Transitive) To make into an island.
enisle v. (Transitive, figurative, by extension) To isolate.
ENISLE v. to put onto an island, also INISLE.
ENSILEensile v. (Transitive) To preserve (forage) in a silo.
ENSILE v. to store in a silo, also ENSILAGE.
FELINEfeline adj. Of or pertaining to cats.
feline adj. Catlike (resembling a cat); sleek, graceful, inscrutable, sensual, and/or cunning.
feline n. (Formal) A cat; member of the cat family Felidae.
LEEINGLEE v. (Scots) to lie, make a false statement.
LENITElenite v. (Phonetics, phonology, transitive) To cause (a consonant) to undergo lenition.
lenite v. (Phonetics, phonology, intransitive) To undergo lenition.
LENITE v. to articulate a lenis.
LIENEElienee n. (Law) One who has right of possession of goods but not right of property; the registered owner.
LIENEE n. in law, a party against whom a lien has been placed.
LIERNElierne n. (Architecture) A cross-shaped rib of an ogival vault.
LIERNE n. (French) a cross-rib or branch-rib in vaulting.
NELIESNELIES n. a winter pear, also NELIS.
NELLIENellie prop.n. A diminutive of the female given names Eleanor or Helen; popular as a formal given name at the turn…
Nellie prop.n. (Rare) A diminutive of the female given name Chanel.
Nellie prop.n. (Rare) A diminutive of the male given name Nelson.
OLEINEoleine n. Alternative form of olein.
OLEINE n. a glycerine ester of oleic acid, also OLEIN.
PENILEpenile adj. Pertaining to the penis.
PENILE adj. relating to the penis, also PENIAL.
RELINEreline v. (Transitive) To add new lines to.
reline v. (Transitive) To add a new lining to.
reline n. A eutectic mixture of choline chloride and urea.
SENILEsenile adj. Of, or relating to old age.
senile adj. (Often offensive) Exhibiting the deterioration in mind and body often accompanying old age; doddering.
senile n. (Dated, medicine) A person who is senile.
SILENEsilene n. (Chemistry) a molecule containing a silicon atom which forms a double bond.
silene n. (Organic chemistry) an organosilene, a molecule containing a silicon atom doubly bonded to a carbon atom.
silene n. (Inorganic chemistry) a silicon analog of alkenes containing at least one silicon-silicon double bond.
YEELINyeelin n. Alternative form of yealing.
YEELIN n. a person of the same age, also YEALING.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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