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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing E, 2L, O and X

COMPLEXIONLESScomplexionless adj. Colourless; pale.
COMPLEXIONLESS adj. without a complexion.
EXOTHERMICALLYexothermically adv. In an exothermic manner.
EXOTHERMIC adv. of a chemical reaction, giving out heat, also EXOTHERMAL.
EXPLOITABILITYexploitability n. The state or condition of being exploitable.
EXPLOITATIVELYexploitatively adv. In an exploitative manner.
EXPLOITATIVE adv. serving to exploit, also EXPLOITIVE.
HETEROFLEXIBLEheteroflexible adj. Primarily heterosexual, but open to taking part in a limited amount of homosexual activity.
heteroflexible n. Someone who is heteroflexible.
HETEROFLEXIBLE n. one of flexible sexual orientation.
HETEROSEXUALLYheterosexually adj. In a heterosexual way.
HETEROSEXUAL adv. attracted to the opposite sex.
ISOALLOXAZINESisoalloxazines n. Plural of isoalloxazine.
ISOALLOXAZINE n. a yellow solid that is the precursor of various flavins, such as riboflavin.
LEXICALISATIONlexicalisation n. Alternative spelling of lexicalization.
LEXICALISATION n. the realization of a meaning in a single word or morpheme rather than in a grammatical construction, also LEXICALIZATION.
LEXICALIZATIONlexicalization n. The act or process of lexicalizing.
lexicalization n. Something lexicalized.
LEXICALIZATION n. the realization of a meaning in a single word or morpheme rather than in a grammatical construction, also LEXICALISATION.
PLAGIOCLIMAXESplagioclimaxes n. Plural of plagioclimax.
PLAGIOCLIMAX n. the climax stage of a community, influenced by man or some other outside factor.
PSYCHOSEXUALLYpsychosexually adv. In a psychosexual manner or context.
PSYCHOSEXUAL adv. of or relating to the mental, emotional, and behavioral aspects of sexual development.
REFLEXOLOGICALreflexological adj. Of or pertaining to reflexology.
REFLEXOLOGICAL adj. related to reflexology.
REFLEXOLOGISTSreflexologists n. Plural of reflexologist.
REFLEXOLOGIST n. a specialist in reflexology.
VEXILLOLOGICALvexillological adj. Of or pertaining to vexillology.
VEXILLOLOGICAL adj. relating to vexillology, the study of flags, also VEXILLOLOGIC.
VEXILLOLOGISTSvexillologists n. Plural of vexillologist.
VEXILLOLOGIST n. one who studies flags.
XENOPHOBICALLYxenophobically adv. In a xenophobic manner.
XENOPHOBIC adv. being afraid of foreigners.
XEROPHYTICALLYxerophytically adv. As a xerophyte.
XEROPHYTIC adv. able to withstand drought.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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