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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing E, J, R, S and U

AUTOINJECTORSautoinjectors n. Plural of autoinjector.
auto-injectors n. Plural of auto-injector.
COADJUTRESSEScoadjutresses n. Plural of coadjutress.
COADJUTRESS n. a female coadjutor, also COADJUTRIX.
FOREJUDGMENTSforejudgments n. Plural of forejudgment.
FOREJUDGMENT n. an advance judgment, also FOREJUDGEMENT.
INJURIOUSNESSinjuriousness n. The quality of being injurious.
INJURIOUSNESS n. the state of being injurious.
JURISPRUDENCEjurisprudence n. (Law) The theoretical study of law.
jurisprudence n. (Law) Case law, or the body of case law regarding a certain subject.
JURISPRUDENCE n. the science or philosophy of law.
JURISPRUDENTSjurisprudents n. Plural of jurisprudent.
JURISPRUDENT n. a person who is knowledgeable in jurisprudence.
LUMBERJACKETSlumberjackets n. Plural of lumberjacket.
lumber␣jackets n. Plural of lumber jacket.
LUMBERJACKET n. a man's jacket, usually in bold-patterned heavy material.
MISCONJECTUREmisconjecture v. To conjecture wrongly.
misconjecture n. A wrong conjecture or guess.
MISCONJECTURE v. to make a wrong conjecture.
OVERADJUSTINGoveradjusting v. Present participle of overadjust.
PREJUDGEMENTSprejudgements n. Plural of prejudgement.
PREJUDGEMENT n. the act of prejudging, also PREJUDGMENT.
READJUSTMENTSreadjustments n. Plural of readjustment.
READJUSTMENT n. the act of readjusting.
REJUVENATIONSrejuvenations n. Plural of rejuvenation.
REJUVENATION n. the act of making young again.
REJUVENESCENTrejuvenescent adj. Becoming, or causing to become, rejuvenated.
REJUVENESCENT adj. effecting rejuvenescence.
REJUVENESCINGrejuvenescing v. Present participle of rejuvenesce.
REJUVENESCE v. to make young again.
SUPERMAJORITYsupermajority n. (Chiefly North American) A majority of the items being counted that reaches some preset threshold significantly…
super-majority n. Alternative form of supermajority.
SUPERMAJORITY n. a majority (as two-thirds or three-fifths) greater than a simple majority.
SURREJOINDERSsurrejoinders n. Plural of surrejoinder.
SURREJOINDER n. in law, a plaintiff's reply to defendant's rejoinder.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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