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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing E, 2R, U and X

EXTRAMURALLYextramurally adv. In an extramural manner.
EXTRAMURAL adv. outside the walls or fortifications; outside, but under the aegis of e.g. a university.
EXTRANUCLEARextranuclear adj. Outside the nucleus.
extranuclear adj. (Biology) Outside the nucleus but within the cell cytoplasm.
EXTRANUCLEAR adj. situated in or affecting the parts of a cell external to the nucleus.
EXTRAUTERINEextrauterine adj. Outside the uterus.
EXTRAUTERINE adj. situated or occurring outside the uterus.
GROUNDPROXESGROUNDPROX n. an altitude warning system in aircraft.
HYDROXYUREAShydroxyureas n. Plural of hydroxyurea.
HYDROXYUREA n. a drug used to treat some forms of leukemia, melanoma, and malignant tumors.
INTERMIXTUREintermixture n. A mass formed by mixture; a mass of ingredients mixed.
intermixture n. Admixture; an additional ingredient.
INTERMIXTURE n. a mass formed by mixture.
INTERTEXTUREintertexture n. The act of interweaving, or the state of being interwoven.
intertexture n. That which is interwoven.
INTERTEXTURE n. an interwoven state.
OVEREXPOSUREoverexposure n. Excessive exposure.
overexposure n. Of a famous person, excessive publicity, publication or reporting regarding that person.
overexposure n. (Photography) Exposure of film to light during the development process for a longer time than is required…
PARADOXURINEparadoxurine adj. Of, or pertaining to, the genus Paradoxurus.
PARADOXURINE n. any of a number of palm civet species.
QUADRATRIXESquadratrixes n. Plural of quadratrix.
QUADRATRIX n. a curve by which a circle may be squared.
RETEXTURIZEDretexturized v. Simple past tense and past participle of retexturize.
RETEXTURIZESretexturizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of retexturize.
RETROSEXUALSretrosexuals n. Plural of retrosexual.
RETROSEXUAL n. a man with traditional sexual attitudes.
SUPEREXPRESSsuperexpress n. A very fast express train.
SUPEREXPRESS n. a very fast express.
XEROMORPHOUSxeromorphous adj. Xeromorphic.
XEROMORPHOUS adj. of parts of a plant, protected against excessive loss of water by thick cuticles, coatings of hairs and similar structural features, also XEROMORPHIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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