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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing E, M, N, P and Z

CONTEMPORIZEcontemporize v. To bring up to date; often specifically to set a historical narrative in a modern context.
contemporize v. (Marketing) To modify, repackage, or present a well-known or traditional product or brand in a way that…
CONTEMPORIZE v. to make contemporary, also CONTEMPORISE.
MONOPOLIZERSmonopolizers n. Plural of monopolizer.
MONOPOLIZER n. one who monopolizes, also MONOPOLISER.
MUNICIPALIZEmunicipalize v. To convert into a municipality.
MUNICIPALIZE v. to bring under municipal ownership or supervision, also MUNICIPALISE.
PANCREOZYMINpancreozymin n. (Dated) cholecystokinin.
PANCREOZYMIN n. a hormone that stimulates enzyme production by the pancreas.
PARCHMENTIZEparchmentize v. (Transitive) To convert to a parchment-like substance, especially by sulfuric acid.
PARCHMENTIZE v. to make like parchment, e.g. by treating with sulphuric acid, also PARCHMENTISE.
PHENOMENIZEDphenomenized v. Simple past tense and past participle of phenomenize.
PHENOMENIZE v. to bring into the world of experience, also PHENOMENISE.
PHENOMENIZESphenomenizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of phenomenize.
PHENOMENIZE v. to bring into the world of experience, also PHENOMENISE.
PHONEMICIZEDphonemicized v. Simple past tense and past participle of phonemicize.
PHONEMICIZE v. to analyse into phonemes, also PHONEMICISE.
PHONEMICIZESphonemicizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of phonemicize.
PHONEMICIZE v. to analyse into phonemes, also PHONEMICISE.
POLEMICIZINGpolemicizing v. Present participle of polemicize.
POLEMICIZE v. to argue or write polemically, carry on a controversy, also POLEMICISE, POLEMISE, POLEMIZE.
POLYMERIZINGpolymerizing v. Present participle of polymerize.
polymerizing adj. That polymerizes.
POLYMERIZE v. to make into a polymer, also POLYMERISE.
PROMETHAZINEpromethazine n. (Pharmacology) A first-generation H1 receptor antagonist derived from phenothiazine, used as antihistamine…
PROMETHAZINE n. a bitter-tasting phenothiazine derivative, related to chlorpromazine, used as an antihistamine, anti-emetic, and sedative.
SPERMATOZOANspermatozoan adj. Of or pertaining to spermatozoa.
spermatozoan n. A spermatozoon.
SPERMATOZOAN n. a male sex cell, also SPERMATOZOON.
SPERMATOZOONspermatozoon n. (Cytology) A reproductive cell or gamete of a male, carried in semen, that fertilizes an ovum to produce a zygote.
spermatozoön n. Alternative spelling of spermatozoon.
SPERMATOZOON n. a male sexual cell, which fertilises the egg, also SPERMATOZOAN.
TEMPORIZINGStemporizings n. Plural of temporizing.
TEMPORIZING n. delaying so as to gain time or to avoid making a decision.
UNEMPHASIZEDunemphasized adj. Not emphasized.
UNEMPHASIZED adj. not emphasized, also UNEMPHASISED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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