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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing E, I, J and 2R

INTERJECTORSinterjectors n. Plural of interjector.
INTERJECTOR n. one who interjects.
INTERJECTORYinterjectory adj. Having the form of an interjection.
INTERJECTORY adj. relating to interjection.
JAILBREAKERSjailbreakers n. Plural of jailbreaker.
JAILBREAKER n. one who escapes from jail.
JOURNALISERSjournalisers n. Plural of journaliser.
JOURNALISER n. one who journalises, also JOURNALIZER.
JOURNALIZERSjournalizers n. Plural of journalizer.
JOURNALIZER n. one who journalizes, also JOURNALISER.
JURISPRUDENTjurisprudent adj. Understanding law; skilled in jurisprudence.
jurisprudent n. One skilled in law or jurisprudence.
JURISPRUDENT n. a person who is knowledgeable in jurisprudence.
MAJORITAIRESMAJORITAIRE n. (French) a member of a majority section of a political party, esp. a socialist one.
PERJURIOUSLYperjuriously adv. In a perjurious manner.
PERJURIOUS adv. guilty of perjury, also PERJUROUS.
RETROJECTINGretrojecting v. Present participle of retroject.
RETROJECT v. to throw backwards.
RETROJECTIONretrojection n. (Medicine) The washing out of a cavity by the backward flow of an injected fluid.
RETROJECTION n. throwing backwards.
RIJKSDAALERSRIJKSDAALER n. (Dutch) a small Dutch silver coin, also RIGSDALER.
SERJEANTRIESserjeantries n. Plural of serjeantry.
SERJEANTRY n. a condition of tenure by service in person to the king, also SERGEANTY, SERJEANTY.
SURREJOINDERsurrejoinder n. (Law) A plaintiff’s answer to the defendant’s rejoinder.
SURREJOINDER n. in law, a plaintiff's reply to defendant's rejoinder.
SURREJOININGsurrejoining v. Present participle of surrejoin.
SURREJOIN v. to reply, as a plaintiff to a defendant's rejoinder.
TRAJECTORIEStrajectories n. Plural of trajectory.
TRAJECTORY n. the curve that a body (as a planet or comet in its orbit or a rocket) describes in space.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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