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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing E, K, S, U and Y

FLUNKEYDOMSFLUNKEYDOM n. the world of flunkeys.
FLUNKEYISMSFLUNKEYISM n. the state of being a flunkey.
HONEYSUCKERhoneysucker n. (Africa) Any of the sunbirds.
honeysucker n. (Australia, obsolete) A honeyeater.
honeysucker n. (Obsolete) A honeyguide.
HONEYSUCKLEhoneysuckle n. Any of the many species of arching shrubs and climbing vines of the genus Lonicera in the Caprifoliaceae…
honeysuckle n. Any of several species of superficially similar plants from Australia.
Honeysuckle prop.n. A female given name.
KEYPUNCHERSkeypunchers n. Plural of keypuncher.
KEYPUNCHER n. one who keypunches.
OUTSPOKENLYoutspokenly adv. In an outspoken manner.
OUTSPOKEN adv. frank, speaking one's mind.
SKULDUDDERYSKULDUDDERY n. (Scots) a breach of chastity; bawdy talk, also SCULDUDDERY, SCULDUDDRY.
SKULDUGGERYskulduggery n. (Countable) A devious device or trick.
skulduggery n. (Uncountable) Dishonest, underhanded, or unscrupulous activities or behaviour.
SKULDUGGERY n. underhand dealing, trickery, also SCULDUGGERY, SKULLDUGGERY.
SQUEAKINGLYsqueakingly adv. With a squeaking sound.
SQUEAKING adv. making a sharp, high-pitched sound.
TEKNONYMOUSteknonymous adj. Relating to teknonymy.
TEKNONYMOUS adj. relating to teknonymy, the naming of the parent after the child.
THELYTOKOUSthelytokous adj. That produces female offspring (only).
THELYTOKOUS adj. producing only female offspring.
UNSHAKEABLYunshakeably adv. Alternative spelling of unshakably.
UNSHAKEABLE adv. that cannot be shaken, also UNSHAKABLE.
UNSPEAKABLYunspeakably adv. In an unspeakable manner.
UNSPEAKABLE adv. that cannot be spoken.
YOUTHQUAKESyouthquakes n. Plural of youthquake.
YOUTHQUAKE n. a shift in cultural norms influenced by the values, tastes, and mores of young people.
YUCKINESSESYUCKINESS n. the state of being yucky.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 124 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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