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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing E, J, 2N and O

ADJOURNMENTadjournment n. The state of being adjourned, or action of adjourning.
adjournment n. (Rhetoric) Ampliatio.
ADJOURNMENT n. the act of adjourning.
CONJUNCTIVEconjunctive adj. (Astrology, astronomy) Relating to a conjunction (appearance in the sky of two astronomical objects…
conjunctive adj. (Grammar) Relating to a conjunction (part of speech).
conjunctive adj. (Grammar) Relating to the conjunctive mood.
CONJUNCTUREconjuncture n. A combination of events or circumstances; a conjunction; a union.
conjuncture n. A set of circumstances causing a crisis; a juncture.
CONJUNCTURE n. a juncture.
CONJUREMENTconjurement n. (Obsolete) Serious injunction; solemn demand or entreaty.
CONJUREMENT n. the act of conjuring.
ENJOINMENTSenjoinments n. Plural of enjoinment.
ENJOINMENT n. direction; command; authoritative admonition.
INTERJOINEDinterjoined v. Simple past tense and past participle of interjoin.
INTERJOIN v. (Shakespeare) to join together.
JETTISONINGjettisoning v. Present participle of jettison.
jettisoning n. The action by which something is jettisoned.
JETTISON v. to throw overboard.
JOHNNYCAKESjohnnycakes n. Plural of johnnycake.
johnny␣cakes n. Plural of johnny cake.
JOHNNYCAKE n. a kind of bread made of the meal of maize (Indian corn), mixed with water or milk, etc. and baked, also JONNYCAKE.
JOINTEDNESSjointedness n. The state or condition of being jointed.
JOINTEDNESS n. the state of being jointed.
JOINTNESSESjointnesses n. Plural of jointness.
JOINTNESS n. the state of being joint.
NEOADJUVANTneoadjuvant adj. (Medicine) Describing an adjuvant preparation given before a course of treatment.
NONADJACENTnonadjacent adj. Not adjacent.
NONADJACENT adj. not adjacent.
NONINJURIESSorry, definition not available.
NONJOINDERSnonjoinders n. Plural of nonjoinder.
NONJOINDER n. the omission of some person who ought to have been made a plaintiff or defendant in a suit, or of some cause of action which ought to be joined.
NONSUBJECTSnonsubjects n. Plural of nonsubject.
NONSUBJECT n. one who is not a subject (of a particular country).
REINJECTIONreinjection n. A second or subsequent injection.
REINJECTION n. the act of reinjecting.
SOJOURNMENTsojournment n. Temporary residence, as of a stranger or traveller.
SOJOURNMENT n. the act of sojourning.
UNENJOYABLEunenjoyable adj. Not enjoyable.
UNENJOYABLE adj. not enjoyable.
UNREJOICINGunrejoicing adj. Not rejoicing.
UNREJOICING adj. not rejoicing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 93 words
  • Scrabble in French: 149 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 276 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 35 words

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