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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing E, H, 2M and Y

DYSPHEMISMSdysphemisms n. Plural of dysphemism.
DYSPHEMISM n. the substitution of a disagreeable or offensive expression for an agreeable or inoffensive one, e.g. The Holocaust (the dysphemism chosen by Jewish historians to replace the Nazis' ghastly euphemism, The Final Solution).
EMPHYSEMICSemphysemics n. Plural of emphysemic.
EMPHYSEMIC n. a sufferer from emphysema.
HAEMOLYMPHShaemolymphs n. Plural of haemolymph.
HAEMOLYMPH n. the bloodlike fluid of invertebrates, also HEMOLYMPH.
HEMODYNAMIChemodynamic adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to hemodynamics, the circulation of blood in the body.
HEMODYNAMIC adj. relating to hemodynamics, also HAEMODYNAMIC.
HOMEOMORPHYhomeomorphy n. (Biology) The evolution of similar external forms from very distant ancestors.
homeomorphy n. (Mathematics) The formation of a new graph by inserting new nodes along existing edges.
HOMEOMORPHY n. the state of being homeomorphic, also HOMOMORPHY.
HOMEOTHERMYhomeothermy n. The state or condition of being homeothermic.
HOMEOTHERMY n. the maintenance of a constant body temperature, also HOMEOTHERMISM, HOMOIOTHERMY, HOMOTHERMY.
HOMOPOLYMERhomopolymer n. (Chemistry) a polymer formed from a single type of monomer.
HOMOPOLYMER n. a DNA or RNA strand whose nucleotides are all of the same kind.
HYPERIMMUNEhyperimmune adj. That causes, or is associated with, an extreme immune response.
HYPERIMMUNE adj. having a very high degree of immunity.
LYMPHEDEMASlymphedemas n. Plural of lymphedema.
MESENCHYMALmesenchymal adj. Of or pertaining to the mesenchyme.
MESENCHYMAL adj. relating to mesenchyme, the embryonic tissue from which circulatory, lymphatic, skeletal, and connective tissue develop, also MESENCHYMATOUS.
MESENCHYMESmesenchymes n. Plural of mesenchyme.
MESENCHYME n. the embryonic tissue from which circulatory, lymphatic, skeletal, and connective tissue develop.
METHYLAMINEmethylamine n. (Organic chemistry) The simplest aliphatic amine, CH3NH2, a toxic gas, having many industrial applications.
METHYLAMINE n. an inflammable gas, obtainable from herring brine.
MORPHOMETRYmorphometry n. Measuring the external form and dimensions of living organisms, landforms, and other objects.
MORPHOMETRY n. measurement of form or shape.
MYTHOPOEISMMYTHOPOEISM n. the making of myths.
NINNYHAMMERninnyhammer n. A foolish person; a simpleton.
NINNYHAMMER n. a ninny, a foolish person.
PSAMMOPHYTEpsammophyte n. (Botany) Any plant which thrives in sandy conditions.
PSAMMOPHYTE n. a plant adapted to growing in sand.
SEMIMONTHLYsemimonthly adj. Occurring twice a month or at half month intervals.
semimonthly adv. In a manner occurring twice a month or at half month intervals.
semimonthly n. Something done or made every half month, especially a periodical.
THERMOMETRYthermometry n. (Physics) The science and technology related to the measurement of temperature and the design and construction…
THERMOMETRY n. the measurement of temperature.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 103 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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