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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing 2E, F, O and Y

BENEFACTORYbenefactory adj. Yielding benefit; doing good.
benefactory n. One who gives benefit to others; a benefactor.
BENEFACTORY adj. having the nature of a benefactor.
BIOREFINERYbiorefinery n. (Uncountable) the coproduction of a range of biologically-based products (food, feed, materials, chemicals)…
biorefinery n. (Countable) a facility that carries out such production.
COCKNEYFIEDcockneyfied v. Simple past tense and past participle of cockneyfy.
COCKNEYFY v. to make (an accent) cockney, also COCKNIFY.
COCKNEYFIEScockneyfies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cockneyfy.
COCKNEYFY v. to make (an accent) cockney, also COCKNIFY.
CONFEDERACYconfederacy n. An alliance.
confederacy n. (Politics) A state where the sovereign constituent units delegate their authority to the centre. As…
confederacy n. Specifically, an instance of a decentralized governing structure among the indigenous peoples of North America.
CONFESSEDLYconfessedly adv. Admittedly; by one’s own confession.
confessedly adv. (Archaic) In a way that is generally acknowledged.
CONFESSED adv. CONFESS, to admit or disclose.
ECOFRIENDLYecofriendly adj. Alternative spelling of eco-friendly.
eco-friendly adj. Ecologically friendly; not damaging to the natural environment.
ECOFRIENDLY adj. respectful of the environment.
FELLMONGERYfellmongery n. The trade of a fellmonger.
fellmongery n. A fellmonger’s place of work.
FELLMONGERY n. the preparation of skins for the tanner.
FOREPAYMENTforepayment n. Payment made in advance.
FOREPAYMENT n. payment in advance.
FREEBOOTERYfreebootery n. The act, practice, or gains of a freebooter.
FREEMASONRYfreemasonry n. Alternative letter-case form of Freemasonry: the institutions, precepts, and rites of the Freemasons.
freemasonry n. (Figuratively) Fellowship and sympathy among a number of people.
freemasonry n. (Figuratively) Strange customs which resemble those of Freemasons.
HOUSEWIFELYhousewifely adj. Befitting a housewife.
HOUSEWIFELY adj. like a housewife, also HOUSEWIFEY.
HOUSEWIFERYhousewifery n. The state or activity of being a housewife; household management, domestic skills.
housewifery n. (Obsolete) Household goods.
HOUSEWIFERY n. the work of a housewife.
OFFENSIVELYoffensively adv. In an offensive manner.
OFFENSIVE adv. causing offence.
PROFESSEDLYprofessedly adv. In a professed manner.
PROFESSED adv. PROFESS, to affirm openly.
REFLEXOLOGYreflexology n. (Medicine) The study and interpretation of behavior in terms of simple and complex reflexes.
reflexology n. (Alternative medicine) A form of complementary medicine involving the stimulation of points on the feet…
REFLEXOLOGY n. a form of therapy for treating particular bodily ailments and general stress.
REPOSEFULLYreposefully adv. In a reposeful manner; at rest.
REPOSEFUL adv. restful.
TYPEFOUNDERtypefounder n. Alternative spelling of type-founder.
type-founder n. A manufacturer of metal type for printing.
type␣founder n. Alternative spelling of type-founder.
WEREWOLFERYwerewolfery n. Synonym of werewolfism.
WEREWOLFERY n. the state of being a werewolf.
YOKEFELLOWSyokefellows n. Plural of yokefellow.
YOKEFELLOW n. a mate; a fellow; esp. a partner in marriage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 150 words
  • Scrabble in French: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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